Enrollments are over and done withhh (: I'm a uni studenttt! o_O
I must say that computers in uni seem to be as slow as the computers in high school though @_@ Maybe even slower. Sheesh.
Met a couple of people etc etc...mann I should sound more enthusiastic xD
I reckon Melbourne Uni = Mini Glenny. Seriously. Or maybe even Monash Parkville xD
I'd like to have moreee people on my campus (ooh I have a campus xD), but oh well.
Still debating on whether the course I'm doing is the right one, I guess I'll find out sooner or later. ANU doesnt seem to allow me to defer on the basis of 'I might change my mind while doing another course.' Hmm D: Decisions decisions.
Anywayy so the past couple of weeks have been a blur of lepak (bum around), hangouts, exercise and watching Everybody Hates Chris/TBBT/HIMYM xD It's February sooooooooooo soon!
Randomm but Tanji just told me about hot springs in Japannn! And kotatsus! Ahh sounds so warmm considering I'm feeling cold xD
Sundayy is 40 degrees HELLO PPL WE NEED TO GO TO THE BEACH :D
Back to topic...so in between all the bumming around, there was Pool Party + Wii/PS3 xD Fun fun funnnnn on a sunny dayyy with awesome people x)
From NadOkay idk what's up with me and mini photos just enough to see that people exist, but anywayy.
Then whole dayy out for Tony and Vincent Aw's birthdayy...bbq + pool + arcadee. We won enough tickets to get Tony a giant eraser and Vincent a paddle ball to add to their list of presents xD
Hmm sounds more exciting when you're actually there watching the ticket machine count xD
But I cant imagine shepherding like, 18 ppl from bbq to the city etc etc so that was cool =D
From HongThen recently we haddd badminton and dinnerrr :D Ahh food and badminton = much liked combination.

From Nad
We had DINNER! :D So interesting teehee. We finished all the food and I reckon it was worth it.
I should get my own camera and take pictures *headdesk*. Only posted events that happened that had pictures xD
Time passes so fast! :x
Anyway off to watch tennis...on tv. Predictinggg Djokovic to win Aus Open? :D