Just tried to fry salt and pepper calamari! It tastes awesome but looks...awful DD: Oh well, next time xD
Before the holidays started...

We played Mafia! Haven't played this since Form 3 in PBSM...anyway, it was awesome fun, and the best laugh I've had since school started :D
It just got better...
MALAYSIA + SPORE ;D Too lazy to post pictures, but they're all on fb anyway. I'll just post the chilli crab I had...yummmm xD

And the awesome people I got to meet...gah I miss you guys alreadyyy. We couldn't keep our mouths shut. And I got to see Narm, Danni and ET which I haven't seen in TWO YEARS. I had an EPIC time. Fun and carefree, unlike Year 12 haha.
Thank you Sarah, Christine, Ju, Lei, Jing Yee, Chooi Yi, ET, Danni and Narmie! ♥

School started, what a bummer. Survived a 4 sac week xD FURTHER SAC IS SIX PERIODS adkaslgsdgk :O
I can operate a coffee machine (those massive ones) and make coffee. So many things to remember but SOOOO FUN. I made my first cappuccino!
Then came...the
AGE EXPO. Omgg I was way too lazy to go again this time but finally made a decision to go the night before, like 9.30 pm. Heaps of ppl apparently went on Sat so I thought I wouldn't see anyone, but there were heaps of glenny ppl :O Like, everywhere you turn. Andrew and I both said we wouldn't go (he prolly holds the world record for most times to the expo :P) but both of us showed up lol, or so Tony says.
Tony and I carpooled there way too early in the morning, coz there were English lectures and shizz x) He has awesomee taste in music (Y), which is good since it was a pretty long and sleepyyy ride.
The line was incredibly LONG.
I thought they were queueing to buy tickets, but noooo, it was the line to get in!
Tony spotted Randeep, and we went to meet Peter and Andrew Yam...apparently they were more kiasu coz they were somewhere at the FRONT of the line, but yeah xD We rushed in like mad people and was immediately separated haha. It's like 70% sale on clothes!
So many Glenny people I wouldn't bother naming them, but we practically attended lectures the whole time we were there. Went around with Nadeesha looking around the exhibitions while the guys either ran away or went to listen to Melbourne uni lecture. Missed out on meeting Yi Lyn though T____T;; Carried so many of those undergrad degree booklets my arm wanted to drop off xD
Anyway, Tony and I didn't eat lunch till 4 DDD: And it was pretty freaking cold.
But the expo was alright. Last time we'll ever need to attend! :D
Okay Masterchef byee.