Hello! After bumming around for so long, I thought I'll blog D:
Majority of my m'sian friends are now in college muahahaha. COLLEGE STUDENTS :D College there starts so early though, uni here starts in March. And school goes out in early November :P They're doing pre-us that sound impressive...like Cambridge A-Levels, or International Baccalaureate (dang that was hard to spell) Diploma Programme or etc x) HAVE FUN PEEPS! ♥
CHEM IS GONNA KILL ME D: Hands down, it's the worst subject ever *throws it to number 5/6* If that's one of my top 4, I'm screwed, please no D: I hate chem, and that pretty much throws out science altogether D: Sigh, was never meant to become a genius doctor or surgeon I guess :P And it's not like I need it. Stupidity might just haunt me D:
I've been...let's see, I can't recollect anything I've been doing except...SHOPPING! D: I know who to look for to shop with me, Mum and Cheryl, Jia Yeei (Zhen Hann can tolerate shopping, how amazing, unlike Tony :D) and Tan Ji!
I got a belt for a dollar! No seriously, when do they sell things for a dollar? Unless you're buying a cheese pastry =.=;; lol.
Anyway, I WANT TO GO SUPER SHOW 2 D: I don't even know when it is, google's not helping D:
I wish this years' classes would come out faster to put us out of our misery D:
Okay, need to construct a mind-blowing mind map (hahaha lame D:)

The people I know are awesome. The end :)
We are graduating in
TWENTY-TEN! I like saying twenty-ten D:
And twenty-ten terrifies me too. What if I don't get the course I want? I need _____ enter score to get in! OMGAHHHHH. Shaddup D:Soooo...in 2009, I:
- met new awesome people (Jia Yeei, Nina, Julie, Nav, Madhuri, Estelle, Sam, Tony, Yi Lyn, Emily & heaps more...)
- got to know more awesome people (Allan, Andrew, Charlie, Nadine, Evon & there's more!)
- bought my first non-textbook in Australia for $8 (WIN...costs RM 72 in M'sia wthwth)
- missed out on graduating :O
- attended my first formal (which was the bombbbbb!)
- stuffed and forgot someone not worth remembering.
- survived learning Indonesian x)
- made Boxing Day an epic success (6 different malls over 2 days babyyyyyyy) :D shopping deprivation much? :P
- met up with besties back in M'sia more than once :D
realised that there are LOADS of uber fun friendly awesome epic people out there somewhere :O and those who are not, why bother?
here you go jiayeei, 9/50 things about me lololol :DDDD
HAPPY 2010 ppls!
♥ Michelle
Attention Malaysians: Christmas/NY cards are lateeeeeee! D: I'm sorryyy.