Christine - My favourite person to tease and crack jokes to. She always stamps my jokes as lame though (!!!) x) Even if she acts like she don't care, she does.
Fish - Cheerful and down-to-earth goldfish, with lots of Korean stuff and knowledge
Fuji - Talented in writing, currently in a frenzy over Alice Nine (I got it right?), a great person with loads of imagination :D
Ju - Quiet? Pahh nonsense, you don't know her. She has a big big heart, this one. She makes ppl smile all the time.
Liyana - Extremely interesting human, and
awesome to talk to, deffo, but quiet konon. Chili padi is more like it :O
Michelle - Someone you should already know, if you're here :P
Pui Lei - Do not underestimate her, she's a dance machine x) She never blogs, but she claims she's around :D
Sarah - Michelle's BFF for over a decade now. That's more than 10 years! They're awesome like that.
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I SPRAINED MY ANKLE.Yes, it means i'm stuck at home, thank you very much D:
And everytime I get up, it feels like I'm stepping on my own foot =.=
I DIDN'T GET TO SEE CHRISTINE.Stooooopid H1N1 =.= Her birthday's soooo sooon anddd I soooo wanted to celebrate it but nooooo swine flu had to kacau D:
These are my two biggest peeves being here DDDD:
Not to mention that,
I ONLY WENT OUT ONCE.The spm ppl are freeeeee to spend time with me, but I'M not allowed to go. wth D: but things here are hectic and we're rushing like madd.
But even though I complain non stop (esp one person who has to listen to me go on and on)...
I adore being in Malaysia.
I love the people who make me feel as if I want, must and NEED to balik kampung.
And I love the ppl who came out to make me feel as if I still belong. (yep
sarah juju puilei)
THANK YOU SARAH CHIN, for nothing would have happened if it wasn't for your beyoootiful organisation :D
Andddddd it goes onnnn.
*stares at ankle* "You better not swell!"
♥ Michelle
its already tues seeing u today mich! in just lesss than 12 hrs :)
Couldn't sleep at all last night D:
Never thought it'll happen to me D:
But it is. IT IS.
I've been flippin high the wholeeeeee day!
Telling Samuel and Lydia then Andrew and Evon and Jia Yeei OMGGGGGG.
Two words:
Got our slip today demanding us to attend our orals. It's really scary how in a lil more than a month, I'll be sitting across those scary people being interrogated for 'discussion'. MATI. DIE :OOOO
Detailed study = Picking a topic based on a theme that you hv to do a presentation on in front of random examiners. Then they ask you questions ('discussion') and you die =.=imo, if school was any longer than ten weeks or so per term, you'd get people clawing and bitching away at each other. Friendships will probably crash and burn, coz you combine it with the stress of end of term (a.k.a EVERYTHING is due on the last weeks of term) and being cooped up with people 5 days in a week in a 'stress-free' (HAH.) environment D:
You know what keeps me sane? A combo of a random person and
SIMPSONS. Without simpsons I'll probably boycott aussie tv forever, except ncis x)
SPRING IS HERE! 24 degrees finally *cheers* One problem with spring weather as it seems to be: THE WIND. adjlafhlflh got sand in food, sand in eyes, eat own hair, skirts flying, people flying D: Look outside and you'll see those flimsy tree branches looking like they're about to break off any second D:
...and crash on your house. CHOI!
I had to read some person's purposely made up horror story while the wind was wailing, and there was tapping on windows and doors slamming shut. GRRRRR >:(
Weekends ladida, it's time to go on a present-buying spree,
shinchan! drawn by the randomest person i know^^You know how, some genius of a person, not content bout his intelligence, must rub it in your face? I know an example of this human species (grr). GAH. People who complain about getting 90+ instead of a 100. Must. Be. Whacked. With. GMS. Textbook. Remind me to never do it, coz it’s annoying as. ANNOYING. Not only that, the implication that I need a tutor and I should drop the subject makes me want to strangle the said person. I’m not finished. The said person must also lie about the marks, so that he can syok sendiri coz he beat you but you think you beat him. Just thinking bout it makes me wanna take a hammer and…*insert violence* ARGH.
^ meh. from a draft i didn't post.My hormones are kicking in. No shit, I'm like emoooooo x a million now. When I can cry at the snap of my fingers, you know that's bad.
All the SPM ppl,
GOOD LUCK FOR TRIALS! Crazy. The worst thing about trials for someone's that's not sitting for trials ish that I can't call anyone. Coz I know I would want to talk for like ages and they have every subject on earth to cram for D:
GMS App Task is wailing out to me,
♥ Michelle
There's nothing I can say that sounds quite right. Estelle, I know we're not really close or anything, but if you need someone I'm here.
Sometimes you just gotta trust and hope that it'll work out for the better.
Never waste your time on those who are simply not worth it.
The two things I've learnt this week. Deffo not easy to absorb D:
Friendship here is so effing complicated.
I never once had to worry about being bitched about, backstabbed, pretence, temporary friendship, superficial friendships. Bleurgh.
Even if there were, the keyword is WORRY about. Actually waste brain space thinking bout this.
Part of me thinks maybe in M'sia, I met the right people at the right place at the right time, and the rest of the world's a bitch.
I don't really believe that though.
I screwed up Chem. Even my GMA wasn't that low, and it was shitty enough already.
GAHHH. Been down the whole day grr.
Dear Michelle,
I apologize for my random behaviour. If you have it in your heart, please forgives me, who is realli random.
Random Guy ~Hahahah *pokes* :) Random alright, random enough to make me laugh x)
Something rather 'cold'...
I say: ohhhh i love safeway
I say: boo woolsworth
_. C.L. says: the freshfood ppl. they think wools worth.
_. C.L. says: its a safeway to make woolsworth.
♥ Michelle