NEW LAYOUT. Still have things to fix up, but looks pretty good xD
I've lost my mojo for blogging about M'sia. It just reminds me that I'M NOT THERE.
But I'll get back to it, fosho :D
RANDOM THINGS I FOUND FUNNY:maybe you should actually be there. oh well :DESL...IS ACTUALLY FUN. For now. Till we have to do our speeches. At this rate, every single argument anyone presents will be rebutted by the one and only person who likes to argue all the points. Go figure.
Q: Arguments supporting "Designer Babies."*with ppl furiously scribbling at the Against column* Jowen: No crappy babies.
Two seconds later, after some thinking... Jowen: No crappy babies = No Victor.
LOL. And everyone seems intent on Victor and Evon being together. For genetic purposes. Hoho.
Yesterday...Allan: Let's say these two get married, and they want to have a designer baby *points at both of em with Victor smacking his own forehead*...Today...Teacher: See, if Victor was a perfect German boy and Evon is a perfect German girl, and they get forced to get married...*Victor: O_O Again?*- Nav and Andrew planned to ask our MAM teacher where he met his wife during our double period (so that we have less work to do?) :D
Me: Who's gonna ask? Andrew: Nav already asked yesterday. He said he'll continue it today. Me: Ohhh hohoho. Andrew to Nav: Did you say you wanted to know? Nav: Of courseee I'll use your name instead of mine, Andrew. *insert sarcastic 'as if' face* Few minutes later... Teacher: So Andrew, Nav told me you wanted to know how I met my wife! Well...Nav laughed himself silly. Anyway, it lasted about 5 minutes. Aish. Fail.
RANDOM THINGS THAT HAPPENED THIS/LAST WEEK:- M'sian food convo with Joey and Jia Yeei. Reminds me I nvr got to eat oil fried ghost, still rmb you all yelling "OIL FRIED GHOST!" at the poor seller from inside the bus :O Joey asked me what food did I eat back there, I said...KFC. Wowee LOL. Of all the 'M'sian food' xD But 100% sure, the KFC there is better :P
- Sports Day. It is so freakin different from M'sian one lar. But we played Bullshit (erm, Bluff) , Heart Attack, Big 2, etc, etc. Took pictures. No one participated in anything (LMAO that's the same as M'sia haha) except Yezi. 2nd place: Bluee! Hahaha I'm now not in the last house, always in the 2nd. Yay? And all the houses langsung takde semangat one. Everyone's off listening to ipods or playing cards. Instead of ppl yelling at you "WHERE IS YOUR SPIRIT?!"Miss the yelling. JIA YEEI SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE T.T The teachers vs. students events were practically everything I watched haha.
- The weather is FREEZING COLD. And my heater died-ed. Joyy.
Brain freeze and I need to start some work. Hah. As if :P
♥ Michelle
I am back. Haha. Expect super long posts about The Comeback :D You know me. And I promised Ju, she's gonna grade my essay >:O
Soo...stepped out of the plane. So friggin' HOT. And here it's so COLD. It's like going from the fridge to the desert T.T Didn't get much sleep, the plane seat doesn't recline :S And they have announcements so OFTEN. OMG. They dim the lights, on again, dim again, you tell me how to sleep? And you order food, they serve you at 2 a.m :O
Anyway, I have the
BEST friends ever. I truly believe that.
They zoomed out of school (Sat got school =.=) to meet me. For ME!
So perasan :P I thought I'll only see Sarah, Ju and Lei but I called Ju, who was picking up Lei...and Christine! :OOOO On a school day!
Every minute I spent in the searingg heat, the traffic jams...
I thought it'll be awkward and weird. It felt like a dream or something. An event I've been looking forward to that was actually happening. The people I missed, that I really wanted to see, the people that matter were sitting in front of me. They looked exactly the same as I left them.
I missed them. I really really missed them.
You would know this by the amount of times I laughed, or hugged, or smiled, or how loud I was.
I didn't cry! :OOOOOOOI missed my BFF, Sarah and the way she would go all out like I would for her.
I missed patting Christine's head, I'm sure she didn't miss it :P
I missed Lei Lei's randomness and how JuJu and her are always
(lovingly? *choke*) insulting each other.
I've forgotten what it felt like, just to be. No inhibitions, no hiding, no drama. Just us.
So we talked all the way to the sushi restaurant. Where the sushi was soooooo good. A bit pricey, I guess we ate a lot, kept trying stuff :P They kept asking me to eat more LOL *cough*likeChristine - it'sagoodthingdon'tkillme*cough*. We talked a lot, played songs that we sang to, compared phones, hit each other, did all the stuff we missed out on doing together.
THE sushi :D
The salmon I didn't really like, which everyone else ate, and Sarah loveees.

Good food babyy. Juju, don't makan so sikit ok?

Fuji came right after we ate (good timing xD) and we went to bowl. I got a pathetic score, but really, I couldn't care less. It's been so long. Used to force people
(Juju! and Chris knows this :P) to bowl with me. We took pics while taking turns, camwhore lar, dance lar, scream lar. When kena strike or spare we screamed like mad people on highhhh. Missed one or two still shoutingg. Still talking non-stop while bowling xDD
The lighting was really bad, but yeahhh...
MCJ finallyyyy♥ I've missed this err..'persatuan' lots.

Christine, Sarah, Fuji and me :D

Christine and mee :D She actually willingly took a pic. Haha ily.

See lar. Lei made me laugh until look so :O

BFF and me :D

Fuji and me. We tried taking pics manyyy times okay?

Juju and me :D
Then, we went to take sticky pics, ta-da one of them :D Can't crop properly lar.

Christine surprised me a lot. And I love her very much for it.
Without Sarah, this wouldn't even happen. ilymmmm.
Thank you Juju for fetching the rest of the VVVVIPS.
And Pui Lei for being cheerful. And random. Haha I keep saying random.
Anyway, after dinner, we stood and waited for a parent. And we just laughed and argued so LOUDLY we were attracting unwanted attraction from erm...the standing waiter and waitresses . It should be embarassing LOL. We kicked and chase each other like dunno, 3 year olds? I don't think any of us cared.
It feels as if I never left.
It feels complete, and I don't think I can ask for more.
ilyall so much.
Haven't been this happy, since...well...since I left. Really HAPPY.
HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY. I smiled all the way to sleep :D
♥ Michelle
PS. I wonder who reads this. Typed so much my eyes hurt. Gimme an A Juju! *flies off to hw*
Life~ said:
u coming back in less than 3 days ady!
wat you wanna do, we sama-sama do. hahaha
I got offline msgs from
Sarah and
Christine too<3
Sarah and I speed talked through all the plans LMAO.
Went shopping for things to bring back :D
Sat school is srsly depressing
...oh well. I dunno how I'm gonna meet everyone in two days. How is that even possible? GAH T.T
I wanna meet Sarah, Ju-Lian, Christine, Pui Lei, Liyana, Jing Yee, Chooi Yi, Jia Chee, Li Sha, Giselle, Danni, E.T, Narmie, Frishie, Allan, Danial, Yuit Ling, Eunice, Rubini, Bairavi...I give up on listing. Majorly DDDDD': coz it is friggin' IMPOSSIBLE to meet EVERYONE. TT__________TT
Yes, Jia Yeei and Evon<3 I didn't forget okayy.
And I got 2 tests the week I come back. JOYYY.
I'm still excited. It's been long D:
:D Michelle
3 DAYS MORE! ♥And Jia Yeei's already there =.= We have soooo gotta partayyy (and eat bak kut teh :D)
Planning to call Sarah tonight (again T.T), this weekend will hopefully be jam-packed hmm?
PUI LEI I CALLED YTD BUT YOU WERE OUT WATCHING A MOVIE :O So late. On a school night. Naughtyyyy.
Victor said all of us were going back, underline ALL. The only people who are going (or went) back are the Malaysians. And even so, only Evon, Jia Yeei and me :P So stop crapping and start hanging out Victor Chen. Take pictures of what I'm missing :D
I wasted the weekends on finally hanging out. JOY JOY JOY. And I'm actually watching TV :O
Picture spammmmm;
INDO CLASS OUTING #1Bel, Shini, and Priscilla :D

Bel and I ^^

Okay we took way more pics than that, but I'm lazyyy. Look in FB for it xD The food was really good, btw :D We ordered like, one dish each and then we grabbed each others food haha. WE MUST TRY ALL THE ASIAN FOOD AROUND. Haha. They're the best ppl to eat with and discuss FOOD. Then we camwhored at the bus stop. Heyy, don't knock the bus stop, pretty good place to snap pics :P
On to the next one:
GIRLS DAY OUTWell, because we all happened to be...*shock* GIRLS! :OTwo Koreans, Two Malaysians, One Taiwanese and a 3 Chinese from China :D
On the way there...Jia Yeei and I

Went to a Korean restaurant for yummy jajangmyun :DD
While waiting for food...Gi Won and I^^

The jajammyun I ordered. Means half-spicy and half black bean. The bowl was gigantic and soooo yummy. Really :D

Camwhoring in the alleyway...
Shirley and me :D

Julie and me

Tan Ji unni and me :D

Me, Shirley and Jia Yeei :)

Cheryl and Gi Won hahaha so cuteee.

Tan Ji and a bowling bar, which we didn't do anything except take MORE pics :P

Gloria Jean's :DD My cookies-and-cream mocha chiller :D
Jia Yeei had a caramellatte haha.

I don't have pics with Lydia or Cheryl T.T
♥ Michelle
HOLIDAYS!!!The last day of term barely felt like a school day. Well, after ESL SAC :P
Free period: Talking to Tan Ji unni :D
Jia Yeei and me taught Lydia, Stacey, Cheryl, Julie, Shirley how to play Cikupak (err?) LOL. So funnyyy. Stacey kept winning =.= And ran around looking for people that know how to play something involving hands and Milo Ice. Joey was our target :P (Sarahhh you have got to teach me how to play Milo Ice or wtv and Conquer -esp. Conquer!)
My double Methods was the bombbbb! Relations and notations are soooo confusinggg, but I like chatting and listening to Nav and Andrew banter and argue with each other haha. The second period was a total NO WORK DONE. YAY :D Nav spent the whole time playing Tetris and commenting on what the teacher or we were saying even though he looked as if he wasn't paying ANY attention to anything but his Tetris. Played Connect 4 and Tic Tac Toe with Andrew hahaha. It's been ages lar...I won once for Connect Four BY ACCIDENT and I didn't even notice I WON, Andrew's really good xD I'm terrible bleh. I had lots of fun :D Found out other functions for my CAS calculator...^^
GMA! Watched the first half of Mr Bean's Holiday. OMG that was hilarious, I nearly laughed my stomach out when he sang for money HAHA WATCH IT. Priceless! The last part of Chem was watching people arm wrestle LOL.
THE BUS SERVICE TODAY WAS TERRIBLE. Imagine, you're standing there, watching the electronic board and one by one of the buses on the list just DISAPPEAR. There was no bus for half an hour, the rain started pouring and it was ICE COLD and I felt like my bones had all frozen, and the next bus was 20 minutes late! Gah. Never knew public transportation could be soooo...omg. Emily and me just kept staring at the board and complaining about the bus D: Haha.
Cold cold cold COLD...but the hols are here!
♥ Michelle
PS. Victor wants to see my blog. HAHA.
Vic says:
Vic says:
you hav a blog!
Vic says:
can I see?
SH oh SH sigh :D
I'm still worried Jia Yeei. You know me, the only thing that's on my mind these days. The one I can't stop fussing over, with a terrible urge to kick a certain someone for causing me these irrational fears. I wish I could take your advice and give a good shove to the direction of the floor (stairs?) and then 'apologize'.
Isn't the life of that bleurgh excuse for the human being screwed up enough without trying to screw up mine too? You won okay? It's last year, old news. Let go. LEAVE ME ALONE.
1 day till the end of term :D
2 days till Indo class outing xD
3 days till Girls Day Out :P
I am going to miss Methods terribly. And ESL. The classes that make me laugh the hardest and have most fun. The rest? Not so. Lame jokes are really really awesome btw xD
Anyway, holidayssss! (and holiday homework =.=;;;)
I LOST 5 DOLLARS. No big right? Well, except that I'm nearly penniless. A kind man asked me whether it was my money and I said no, of course not. And then duh, I realised the money's mine. Sigh. *is stupid* Counting my money (more like my 5 cents) now :S Anyway,
I PASSED GMA! OMG. YAYYAYYAY! I got more than I dared to hope for :DDDD
I used up nearly all of my free credit on Jia Yeei. Hahaha I'm so prouddd! Never before I thought I'll see this day :P Seriously, why do we even bother reading each other's blogs when we know practically all that happened in a (school) day? xD I'm still stalking you, I don't care :P
Doing one of your tags now...bored (already?! xD)
Copy and paste and put your own answers in. The purpose of this is to get to know your friends better and it’s so much fun!Tag 25 people to do the same thing.- Were You Named After Anyone??
- When was the last time you cried??
- Do you like your handwritting??
Yes...except I can't write cursive :P
- What is your favourite lunch meat??
- Do you have kids?
Like, duh...not o___O;;
- If you were another person,would you be friends with you?
Yes? Hahahahahahaha.
- Do you use sarcasm?
- Do you still have your tonsils?
I think so. :O
- Would you bungee jump?
NO NO NO jiayeei you're insane.
- What is your favourite cereal?
Milo xD
- Do you untie your shoe when you take them off?
Most of the
- What colour is your towel?
- What is your favourite Ice-cream?
lime?! omg. i love love love cookies and cream, the end :D
- What is the first thing you notice about people?
How they act? I dunno.
- Red or Pink?
No to both? xD
- What is your least favourite thing about yourself
- Who do you miss the most?
my grandmother, sarah chin and all the m'sians.
- Do you want everyone to complete this list?
There one :O
- What colour pants and shoes are you wearing?
Barefoot as well. Blue shorts..
- What is/was your favourite toy?
Piggyy. The people who gave it to me will know <3
What are you listening to right now?
Better Today - Ne-Yo
- If you were a crayon,what colour would you be?
I wanted to be purple too! Nah, blue then.
- Favourite smells?
- Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Jia Yeei.
- Favourite Drink
Milk tea. Or specifically, Mango milk tea with grass jelly :D
- Favourite sports to watch?
Badminton and tennis :D
- Hair Colour?
- Eye colour
- Do you wear contacts?
- Favourite food?
Dunno, what I love to eat?
- Scary movies or Happy endings?
HAPPY ENDINGS. Jia Yeei I'm more convinced than ever you're off your head :P
- Last movie you watched?
...*thinks* That's how long it's been. Bride Warss~
- What colour shirt are you wearing?
My "I want my nasi lemak, teh tarik, chicken rice, etc. now!" shirt xD
- Summer or Winter?
- Hugs or Kisses?
Hugs :)
- Favourite pastime?
Readingg. Photoshop.
- Most likely to respond?
- Least likely to respond?
- What book are you reading now?
Nothing? Textbooks. Pfft?
- What is on your mouse pad?
The mouse???
- What did you watch on TV last night?
No tv last night D:
- Favorite sound(s)?
Music? does that count?
- Rolling Stones or Beatles?
- Where is the farthest place you been from home?
err. where i am now xD
- Do you have a special talent?
I read super duper fast. Hahaha that's so special :P
- Where were you born?
MALAYSIA :) I shall leave your answer there Jia Yeei.
- Whose answer are you looking forward to getting back?
None :P
- How did you meet your spouse/significant other?
I didn't.
- If you could vote,would you vote for or against gov?
Never thought about it.
- Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Doing the course I finally figured out I wanted...on my way to living the comfortable life? xD
For once your tag came in handy :P
♥ Michelle