Human emotions? As fickle as fickle can be.
11 days to go ♥I shall be honest and admit I'm afraid to go back. This is what I've been waiting for, for the past year plus. This is the part where both my friends and I fantasize about what we'll do as soon as we meet. God only knows how much I miss you guys (!!!), but I know, I just KNOW it won't be the same, and I'm afraid to expect anything. But more than anything, I welcome the hellos and I'm terrified of the goodbyes, coz they happen to come hand in hand. It's exactly what Pui Lei said. The hellos, hugs and reunions will be worth the goodbye, right? :X
I'm seriously resisting the urge to start calling the M'sian ppl and tell the telephone bill to go stuff itself, but yeahhh :D
It feels like its been ages since I last talked to Sarah. It's funny how the more I don't talk TO you, the more I want to talk ABOUT you. I miss you miss you miss you. Somehow I'm gonna call and plan everything we're going to do...hope school's not sucking the life out of you. ♥ Am listening to the songs you gave me (you give me the awesome-st songs ever)...makes me miss you even more.
I didn't finish my Math test paper. Again. Effing extended response question. I swear those freaking long questions are designed to make a person panic and lose all brains. But a lot of people didn't finish either (THOUGH I STILL WANT TO FINISH IT), I suppose it can't be that bad. I'm just wondering if I'll keep screwing up all tests like this. See a pattern? Test - Don't finish - C. C! C!!!
I want my Methods free period back please T.T
I should totally be doing the Accounting assignment instead of blogging.
It's funny how some people could fill you with so much hatred that you just want to punch the living daylights out of them, and some people make you smile like there's no tomorrow. Jia Yeei will get this :)
♥ Michelle
I've spent 5 HOURS doing GMA...sounds so long and hardworking...NOT. I spent an hour over one question.
5 QUESTIONS IN 5 HOURS!I've got to be the most lopek M'sian student ever :O
I pray pray pray this test will work out okay. GIVE ME MY MATH CONFIDENCE BACK, STUPID GMA TEST PAPER! T.T *is crazy*
I MISS PHOTOSHOP. Need to get a ps-fix veryyy soon. Revamping layout as soon as I come back from M'sia :D With pictures. No one can hide from me and my cameraaaa.
M'sia, Girls Day Out, Indo Class Day Out, all coming soon :DDD
Meanwhile, I have:
- Accounting Assignment Pt 2,3,4
- Accounting Chap 6,7,9 Test
- Accounting Worksheet (due tmr!)
- GMA Test
- Chem Set F
- ESL Sac
Is that all? Say yes.
I am sooooo math-ed out I can start jumping on people. Watch out humans!
♥ Michelle
Friday is here :D
I swear, the last week of term before holidays has to be the MOST STRESSFUL time. Suddenly everything is due, exams start to show up, work needs to be handed in. !!! Nggrh. INDO ORAL tmr. OMGOMG I'm no where near readyyy D':
Finished the week off with a pretty good Friday, considering next week will be a HORROR.
I had Methods which my teacher wasn't here, so first we had a sub, and then we had a free :D Andrew and Nav really made me laugh looking for business names for Nav's sports shop, coz Andrew was looking for names from his accounting book. Accounting textbooks have to have the worse LAMELAMELAME (but LOL) kind of business names ever. Anyway I couldn't stop laughing :D There was also Luna Park, Disneyland and Singapore somewhere in our convo haha.
Then they turned on the smelly suffocating heater, and we had to escape (the air outside was sooo good), so we went to the library and read Simpsons comics. LOL. :DD I love Methods, kthxbye xD
Then I had gma after lunch. Our teacher was trying to convince us not to scare off the student teacher, and he told us all these stories about his student teacher days (which weren't that long ago) and our class kept asking him to show us examples by acting it out LOL.
Needless to say, I hardly did any work. It was every bit worth it :D
INDO ORAL *running around like a headless chicken*
Going out for dinner soon,
♥ Michelle
I'm sitting next to a moth. Dead overturned one. With its white insides looking so squishy and legs sticking out. Never ever peer at something when you're all bleary-eyed, just woke up from a (terrible) nap. Bleargh... !!! :O
Parent Teacher Night over and done with :) I think I might have gotten the lowest for GMA in my class *fail*
GMA is like fun and games for everyone else, except me =.= They play Bluff and look at the things on my teacher's computer with music and games and whatnot xD
But it was so LOL when Niv put the joker cards in both Peter and Ashan's back pockets, and go, "Hey, Ashan, look at Peter's arse!" and the same to Peter. And they both looked and laughed at each other's butt while Niv was laughing himself away.
No Methods for almost a whole week :D Yay and boo.
Okay, I don't even know why I'm blogging. INDO SAC THIS SAT. Impromptu oral. About 'Pengaruh Barat'. Helppp.
- Michelle
Be myself, be myself, just be myself...breathe.
What if...
Gosh. Worse possible scenarios playing in head right now.
You will never know how grateful I am to you for today, Jia Yeei...until I tell you tmr (or tonight :P) of course.
And Cheryl and Nick too.
I miss how Methods used to be.
Please let something good come out of this.
17 days to d-day ♥
♣ Michelle
I am THIS CLOSE *fingers 1 cm apart* to throwing in the towel and giving up on Math altogether.
After school? Math. Weekends? Math. Hols? Math. What hw do I have? Math.
*is staring at the mess of cubic and quartics*
*is aware that bearing hw is waiting for her next*
Gahhhhhhhh. Serves me right for doing double Math.
I AM DROPPING GMA. DROPPING GMA. I don't want to quit it, but I'll be admitted into tanjung rambutan before I succeed in doing it. SPESH (specialist math) NEXT YEAR would just be the death of me.
I think I will rejoice the day I get into GMS. GMS GMS GMS.
If teacher springs an Accounting test on us without prior warning, I'll fling a rock and choke someone.
MSN keeps shutting itself down. Gah. Sorryyy Jia Yeei.
*rereads what I wrote*
I think I'm at the brink of insanity, plus other worries in my head now. GAH.
- with one last gah, michelle
My favourite Stitch which belongs to Victor and is now reported MISSING. omg.See my pencilcase and my books? XDOne more week down the chute...buhbye :D
22 days to M'sia ♥Today was a pretty crappy day, in fact it's been pretty crappy mid-week :(
Methods today was unbearable. It felt like something was missing, and I couldn't wait to just get out of the class, but I regret doing that now...I missed out on enjoying one of my favourite classes. I'm stupid, that's all I can say. And I'm sorry.
The best thing today was the BURGER. Yes, an actual burger. I've to blog about it bcoz it's the nicest thing that happened today, after one whole crappy day. The line must have been all the way to the other end of the earth, and I was so tempted but I didn't want to queue. Hahah. Anyway, Nick bought one for me, I wasn't even expecting it coz I was really quite full, and decided not to buy one. Anyway, after school I was SO hungry the burger was major yum. So thank youu.
I love you extremely much JuJu for blogging. Even though it had MOLD ew in it. Erm, tickets to my comeback are VIP, so be grateful :D I miss OU and thankyouvellyvellymuch for the pic♥♥ Talk to you soon dear~
Currently chatting with Sarah and Ping senpai :D
The weekends are here. Joyyy :D
♥ Michelle woo its been a long time since i blog hor..
luckily,someone reminded me....u know who u r :)
so back..hello everyone. i miss the blog! but maybe the blog doesn't miss mee..
i got nothing much to say...hmmm maybe one thing..
someone called us SPM ppl..sound so sad la....u r scaring me tau..
but its good to scare us..
march holidays now..enjoying bits n bits of it..hehe
anyone here heard all sj songs from 3rd album?sorry sorry very addictive..others r still alright..but somehow..i don't think the songs from this album are tat WOAH...2nd album seems..nicer..hahaha..
ah..michelle..u r having ur comeback in malaysia too!lol shld we hv a concert?hahah shld i start promoting n sell tickets?lol..whr u wan uautogragh session to be held?lol u comnig back in less than 25days i think!..its been a year since u dump us here..(lol just kidding)..ahhh can't wait for u to comeback..i wonder how u look like now..although u jsut show me ur school pic mins ago..
i want to see u in meat n shall we do togetherwhen u r back ah??^^
Thats pretty much for now..sorry sorry shawty shawty..!
Mrs.Choi Ju-Lian :)
Just some pics to share...look at this gross...i know u ppl will be scolding me for sharing such ugly pic hahaha...

n this is me n my sis...just taken yesterday at 1utama rainforest.nvr knew 1utama had such beautiful n peaceful place. i think this shld be my ideal place to study for SPM..anyone joining me?

Mrs.Choi and her sis:)
Sarah, even if you make me be the lamest i can ever be when i'm talking to you, i don't care xD
That was the best MSN convo I've had in ages. ilysmmm. you have bombed my dynamite. lol i'm still on a lame streak xDDD <33
Also somewhere at the top are the massive 5 hour long convos with
Jia Yeei and
Victor :P
*crack*crack*crack* says:I KNOWWWWWWWWW*crack*crack*crack* says:LET'S TYPE IN CAPSLOCK[michelle] says:YES[michelle] says:you see...i think of you in places like the sewerage and the toilet*crack*crack*crack* says:wow so you must be in the toilet and sewarage like 3/4 of your time?[michelle] says:LMAOi'm feeling good even though i have a SAC tmr :O
Reminder: Call Jia Yeei sometime. For fun. When she forgets i'm supposed to call her :P
Enjoy March hols guys!♥ Michelle
I don't understand GMA (general math advanced, something like further math in s'pore or wtv).
Kill me please.
No matter how many hours I spend slaving over it, trying to comprehend the jumble of alphabets and numbers,
Liyanayana, you were the best for listening to be ramble and blubber on the phone over my stupid results. I only wish I could have talked longer (erm, not cry longer xD)
Sarah, imissyouvellyvellyvellymuch.
Still lack of ppl online :O
25 days before I touch down in M'sia.I'll probably spend the week before that running around, trying to get assignments and homework done before I fly back. Crapppp.
jiayeeijiayeei, i don't really know what to say...i'm crossing my fingers that it won't turn out as bad as you think it'll be<3*goes back to bloody GMA*
♥ Michelle
I hate how a coconut gets stuck in my head.
shh jiayeei, talk to you tmr.
I've been
SICK. Seriously, being sick never feels good. First time being sick in Aussie. Joyy.
Except that I caught up with some tv and Kdrama :D
Bleh. Feel loads better now, but still. Thank you
Yezi for smsing me, even though I didn't reply :)
I experienced an earthquake! While I was playing comp games, and had no reaction at all until my uncle called. Thenn I freaked out and called
Jia Yeei (bcozyou'resofuntocall:P) and spammed
Fuji on MSN, while
Victor was spamming me with earthquake info LMAO.
If it was a real earthquake and the house started falling in, I think my reaction would be way too slow :X I might actually. be. buried. choi *touch wood*
I know
Sarahh and
Ju's been online, where are the rest of you people?
1 month+ to go before I land in tanah airku. So patriotic :D
Eunice asked me if I could get her coloured contact lenses. OMG how do I choose colour contact lenses??? Shoot me.
Yes Sarah, I'm rajin until tak boleh tahan. Don't you love me even more? Hope to see you online more this week, I've got heaps more to tell you xD <33 Your exam results will be FINEE *hugs*
♥ Michelle
I see someone has been diligent.
Hello. I don't blog. I LJ....WTH?
Okay. fine.
Here I am blogging.
But I've had bad experiences with blogging so I'm just gonna stick with LJ-ing.
Things that have been popping up?
.March exams sucked like 573095710853.
.I've a bad feeling about it.*gosh, if ppl like ST and SL beat'll be like DOOM*
.Getting a prize for 2nd in the whole form*it's embarrasing when I taalk abt it with the March exam
.SuJu's third album photos are sdghDGHsiodgh;GHsodighlsdfkdskfhK....
.Posting up my newest fic; non-gasoo that is.
.It's gonna be on my LJ
.So check it out.
.I know you love my layout....whoooooooooo
.I suck.
.I love Michelle. Right back at 'ya
Sarah the chicken who HATES failure and DETEST horrid exam results
All hail my SuJu loveles who look well......lovely:)
Victor is right...
"What a day." He and Liz pakat spam me on MSN the moment I came on. Tsk tsk :P
First Andrew (fortunately) asked me if I was in Peter's class coz we had a test tmr. And I was like, "WHAT TEST?!"
My teacher refuses to change the date, saying that it is on the whiteboard. How the heck are we supposed to know that the little messages on the whiteboard were meant for
us?! Grr.
Then there was that blowup in ESL class which was just :O
I ride the bus, and these little
kid gets his head jammed in between the doors and the DOOR WON'T MOVE. Everyone was yelling at the bus man, coz the kid was crying and it must have hurt like hell. The bus man yelled back at them coz the button doesn't work, and someone had to press the emergency button :O
One thing, ESL SAC has been postponed! :D
And here's to the long weekend, which coincides with the beginning of
March hols for the SPM people :D
And Liz,
project 365 (more like zero zero three) is on again! :P
♥ Michelle
Jia Yeei tagged me =.=
And I usually don't do tags, but what the heck (for you jy, be impressed :P)
Once you've got tagged, you have to answer ALL the questions HONESTLY. Lastly, choose 6 people to be tagged.
i have no one to tag :( understandomondo? jy, i'm useless at these questions, you've been warneddd.
How old were you when you had your first relationship?
Hmm...Never :P
Are you single/taken?
Do you like anyone right now?
Ever had your heartbroken?
What do you think?
Miss anyone right now?
Best friends in M'sia a.k.a SPM ppl xD
Who was the last person you sent a text to?
Last person to text you?
Last person you saw?
My mum?
What was the last thing you said to someone?
Shoo. (really :O)
Who is top in your top friends?
My top in my top friends? =.= Sarah Chin, the end :D
Who do you trust the most in your life?
Sarah, Nikki, Lei Lei, Chris, Juju, Yezi, Jia Yeei (ily jy, right back at ya), Lydia, Cheryl
Lol is that too many?
Who do you love most?
Family. Sarah.
Ever been in love?
I don't believe I have.
Who has hurt you the most?
Has a tragedy ever happened in your life?
Don't think so, and no thank you xD
Are you happy?
I'm okie-o dokie-o.
How many good friends do you have?
A certain number, but more than enough :D
Are there some songs you can't listen to because they remind you of someone?
Have you ever cheated on a partner?
Ever been cheated on?
Ever been told someone loved you?
Love in what way?
Ever told someone you loved them and meant it?
Yes, not in thattt way *bangs head*
Not meant it?
occasionally maybe.
What is your idea of true love?
Why, do you believe it exists?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really.
Do you believe that it is best to have a friendship first then love?
Tagged :
No one? xD