Yep yep, so everyone's back in school =D
Most of us came back on the first day, save for Lydia & Angela & Victor xDDD
Victor celebrated his return by telling us the lame jokes he heard during Summit To Sea (it's an expedition^^)
They were about...ELEPHANTS (haha I bet you heard it all before). Shoot me =.=
Ahh and I finally attended youth at church. It was aweeeesomeeeeee.
Not to mention that I finally managed to borrow Twilight (LATEE much?). The reservation list was so bloody longgg so yay =D
But Belinda & Feby bought all four books (& Bel bought all of hers yesterday =.=). All ahead of me *shoots*
And Liyana! We got to play badminton. I missed it uber muchhh.
Anyway, back to the hols since there are more
pics that way LOL
Got a haircut, but you won't see it here:
We went to the City and had a Karaoke at my house. Funfunfun and weird but fun.
You can see my house in the first pic xD
Febyy and mee.

Belinda, Feby and me =)

On the way to the train station:

There are more, but I won't bore you to deathh. Still got more pics from hols LOL.
Now we are being reminded of EXAMS. EXAMS AHMAGAH.
- Michelle
Today practically marks the end of hols. And I've still got some h/w to do. *rolls over*
What have I done? BBQ, Melbourne Show, City & Karaoke. Oh, and tmr will be the Singapore Day Festival =DDD
I studied. Quite a lot.
Has to be a sign of something :O
I can tell you its so much easier to study at the library, and even better if its not by yourself.
I should so make this a habit, instead of leaving my h/w to pile up. Is it any wonder I have so muchhhh work? Slacking off in class nowadays >__<;;
Bleh. Mood swings all the time yo.
- Called Christine up on her bday. The connection sucked man. And I have yet to call her back, mianhe♥
- This week I was supposed to talk to Sarah a lot but I barely even went online TT____TT
- Chatted to Juju. That made me smile hahaha. She's hilariously funny xDDD
- Chat to Lei Lei, realised how much I missed her. Sigh.
Meaningless post?
Anything is better than my Physics Prac Report. Aish.
- Michelle