Christine - My favourite person to tease and crack jokes to. She always stamps my jokes as lame though (!!!) x) Even if she acts like she don't care, she does.
Fish - Cheerful and down-to-earth goldfish, with lots of Korean stuff and knowledge
Fuji - Talented in writing, currently in a frenzy over Alice Nine (I got it right?), a great person with loads of imagination :D
Ju - Quiet? Pahh nonsense, you don't know her. She has a big big heart, this one. She makes ppl smile all the time.
Liyana - Extremely interesting human, and
awesome to talk to, deffo, but quiet konon. Chili padi is more like it :O
Michelle - Someone you should already know, if you're here :P
Pui Lei - Do not underestimate her, she's a dance machine x) She never blogs, but she claims she's around :D
Sarah - Michelle's BFF for over a decade now. That's more than 10 years! They're awesome like that.
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Reply to my crazy appa below, coz I love her like that. JING YEE'S BDAY PARTY PPL, YOU OWE ME PICS.
So we had another bbq (3 weeks later) to celebrate Diadia, Irene and Yoyo's Bday =D
We had like 15+ people, and I barely knew half of them (I think?)
And reminder, I have to steal pics from Yoyo Irene Ivy Lydia Yen Wen. Yeahhh.
Setting it up.

Yen Wen cooking (I can't recognise who's next to her *stupid*)

Sarah, Cheryl and me (yay for seeing what Cheryl looks like xD) They've been awesome to me =D No Lydia, otherwise I can show you the foursome =)

Bday girl Yoyo! <3

Bday girl Lydia! <3

Mofei! Warning: Don't sit next to her in UNO. Haha.

Ivyyy =)

Bday girl Irene!<3


Yen Wen! M'sian alert, you M'sians! =DD Her mum made awesomeee yummy noodles yes!

We played cooool games of UNO and fought with the wind. We had three leftover plates of food and we were stuffed. We had Strawberry Gateau and Tiramisu and Shirley's Lemon Cake. YUMMM (really really!). We took pics like crazayy. I learnt a bit more about BBQs and I shouldn't be so useless haha.
you do know ju, I LOVEE YOU. I'm so proud of you.
hahaha i'm loving the layout now, it feels like a scrapbook xD
exams sound way tooo long. my exams should be shorter =P
HAH. You're lucky she calls you omma, she calls me halmoni.
I think she's senile (old and crazy in case she don't understand), and we as the generation after her shall TOLERATE (as in, try not to smack) her. Yes?
And becoz you're going KOREA, you owe me something (SuJu? yesh?) and PICS!
And I just had a karaoke =DDD So, not jealous. Except you ppl are not here TT________TT
And are all there. OMG when's Jojo's bday? *stupid*
I got lots of pics to post, but am absolutely lazy haha.
aussie friends don't read this yet. wahahah. keyword: YET. Hahah. ILU APPA<3
yo ppl. iam here again after few centuries.sorry mich..i know bad...
were u hinting me huh huh??
u had bbq without me?... *+100 kicks
u changed the layout... *-100 kicks
= 0 left.
haha.i m glad u changed the layout looks not so girlish..hehe
nice layout...n i wanna congratulate u bcuz u hv improve on ur taste n choice...
u want updates hor?
aiya..the most important thing.. exam coming soon 13th oct to 7 nov...
does it sound loooooong to u?
then on the last day of school,im off to u know where!
life has been fine ol fine..
christine bday is just around the corner.wish her happy bday man..cuz shes really MANJA these days...see her face n hear her voice..u can go O.O
pui lei n min jo are celebrating their bdays on this coming monday at red box curve..karaoke man! Don't u think its cooler than u bbq... lol meany me
oh n vids i owe u..even stories abt MAA..
i still rmb that i didnt blog anything abt it.. maybe i shld ask lei to do it...for once.haha..torture her a lil.
august test..christine did well,i think she got 3 gua..not v sure...ahha..
i got 5...ok ah?lol
oh yea ur vibrant friend has been calling me omma these days..she thinks im older than her...sighs..its so annoying u know..then she call mr choi her appa... u want to smack her or not?? we shld form a team n stop her from doing that... class had a trainee teacher..she teaches english..really nice lady. its fun to learn with her .lots of laughter..sadly tmr is her last day.. shes malay,not v tall, but she has this very cool slang..haha.. we even made her tell us abt her boyfriend n stuff hahaha...
oh yea..well i guess tats all for now..making minjo her bday card...but dunno not creative enough la..
gd nite for now bye...btw ur friends in australia read this blog?say no?hehe
saranghaeyo haru haru <3
We had a BBQ like 3 weeks ago, coz we were bored and Kan suggested it =D
And who can pass up a BBQ on the last few days of winter? xD

They couldn't start a fire until like, 1-2 hours later. LOL.
I came when the fire started roaring and food was ready.
I'm good xD

The sate sticks I didn't get to eat coz I wasn't there xD

Food's ready! & I knew it was our BBQ by Michael's Ferrari shirt LOL.

Still wasn't here but everyone was working hard =D
The rest were playing football or on bikes, so we took pics!

Final group pic =D No Michael, coz he's camera paranoid.
Shirley, Steven, Derek, Lydia, me, Kan, Victor =)
One more Thursday. One more Friday. 16 days of hols.
Who the hell knows why I don't really feel excited?
Maybe I'm just homesick after all.
I get really pissed off when you make my decisions for me and leave me knowing nothing. Till the day I get shocked to my senses, you keep quiet. Both of you are so obviously discussing behind my back I'd like to bang your heads together.
Maybe I'm just paranoid after all. Or perasanted. Take your pick. *sigh*
Just 3 more days, 3 more days.
I can't even handle one day, I want to turn back time.
I want to erase a very big part that came down to this.
All these 'maybes'.
Tomorrow's Lydia's birthday!
and Happy Early Birthday Niv!
Happy belated birthday:
- Miss Joy (the awesomeee teacher of them all)
- Yezi
- Rubini
- Bairavi
- Kar
- Maha
- Narm
- Vincent Yuen
I should rmb more bdays *epic phail*
Thank God Monday is over. The last Mon before hols oh yeahhhh =)
I hate Bio.
I would be taking it in M'sia, not here, thank whoever who made it so. thanks.
Next up is Physics. It can't be as bad as Bio, right? Right?
I.T Presentation...done!
Is it actually possible that Public Speaking has cured fear of...public speaking? *gasps*
Lately, we came up with this revelation that Melbourne is boring.
I mean, there were like, 7 of us, all wondering what to do, with like, no suggestions.
It's no wonder that teens work part-time jobs here xDD
(I might get one for end-year holidays. Everyone's balik kampung-ing!)
A few days later, my dad was like, there's so many things to see! I'm all o______O;;
It's pretty sad really, I've only been here for like, what? 9 months?
Anyway not whining, as long as there's ppl it's alright xDDD
- BBQ - Done, one soon
- Beach - Done, one planned for summer
- Karaoke - LOL not yet, this hols (PUI LEI YOUR FONDEST DREAM COME TRUE)
- CBD - Done
- Shopping malls - Pretty much done
- Food - Ahhh we could go for a food expedition LOL! Neverending food babyyy.
I would like to inform a certain someone hinting heavily bout her birthday that
Bwaha. Who the heck is born in October anyway? Hmm?
I shall shaddup and do my Multimedia work TT_________TT
Gonna change this layout soon.
Orange is getting to me ^^;;
- Michelle
Everyone who wants to know: I'm a Taekwondo yellow belt!
Okay, I know my classmate is black and Fuji is very high somewhere (poom? boom?)
But still! Will never do this in Malaysia LMAO.
I just completed Hip Hop course today. My teacher actually video-ed it, and we're going to watch it.
She should have recorded our hip hop coach performance instead.
Who knows why during Year 7-9 (Form 1-3) PE is boys and girls, and now it's just all boys or all girls? It's the only class. Is this what they do in co-ed schools in M'sia?
BBQ was fun! I loved it, and I came right after they managed to set up the fire.
BBQ-ing with friends: Lydia, Michael, Shirley, Steven, Victor, Derek, Kan! Only in Aussie LMAO.
Probably going to beach next time, no idea. Melbourne is boringgg compared to M'sia.
But holidays are coming soon! Two weeks wheeee!
Need to find (fun) things to do.
Convo-ing with Christine noww. Talk about random whatever crap.
Really feel like talking to her hahaha, like talk not type.
And we're talking about Pizza Hut now. OMO if I was back in M'sia and Christine was working, I'd so be working too (except that woman =.=)!'s fun like that xD And Fish and Fuji and JC and billions of other people^^
I miss M'sia more than ever. I really wanna balik kampung wei.
For now, have to think of:
- Math Test (Tmr)
- I.T Oral (Thurs)
- I.T Report (Thurs)
- M3 Project (Fri)
- Indo Oral (Sat)
- SC Test (Mon)
- SC Report & Worksheets (Mon)
This is crazy. Before holidays stress like crazyyyy.
Aish. Holidays, here I come!
Kay, so Sarah is FINALLY back.
After 4739204 years of hiatus I'm back.
Let me explain:
You see I've been busy.
Okay, fine.
The whole freaking truth.
When I work up the...FEELING to write something super looong....
Ta-da the stoopid auto-save does not work and
Wa-laaaa nothing pops up when I press 'POST'
You seeeee!!!
Why I just don't feel can one...
Dang, I feel pissed...and rightfully too.
It's super Hot with a capital H.
Yeah, babyyyy.
You know what.
We need to learn how to make backgrounds, man.
I mean it may suck but who cares?
Okay. Me.
I kid. I kid.
Gosh, I need to go so....
Another post another day.
bye ppl.
Lotsa love,
The one and only Kkotminam pwn-er