Christine - My favourite person to tease and crack jokes to. She always stamps my jokes as lame though (!!!) x) Even if she acts like she don't care, she does.
Fish - Cheerful and down-to-earth goldfish, with lots of Korean stuff and knowledge
Fuji - Talented in writing, currently in a frenzy over Alice Nine (I got it right?), a great person with loads of imagination :D
Ju - Quiet? Pahh nonsense, you don't know her. She has a big big heart, this one. She makes ppl smile all the time.
Liyana - Extremely interesting human, and
awesome to talk to, deffo, but quiet konon. Chili padi is more like it :O
Michelle - Someone you should already know, if you're here :P
Pui Lei - Do not underestimate her, she's a dance machine x) She never blogs, but she claims she's around :D
Sarah - Michelle's BFF for over a decade now. That's more than 10 years! They're awesome like that.
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Aren't I awesome? =DDD
It's so
I will link more of you guys up! Yayyy a connection somewhereeee!
Just that I'm a lazy butt, sorry ><
I need to post up pics soon...should take pics of my new phone.
With my new phone. Eheh.
And let you guys drool in ENVY. Bwahahaha. If you wanna look it up, it's called LG Viewty =D
Touch screen, 5 MP camera, oh yeahhh.
Now I shall demand...WHERE ARE THE PICS OF YOU GUYS?
You all look like zombies to my brainnnn now.
I want Jing Yee's bday party pics.
I want pics, yes PICS!This week and next week will be so bloody stressful.
Stress, presentations, tests and all crap.
I know why no one's here!
Hols don't come for me till September 19th. That's like, one month from now, blehh.
Andd one day they turned the heater on, and it was about 16 degrees, and I was so friggin' hot.
Seriously just strip (shaddup pervs), it was that bloody hot.
How am I gonna go back to M'sia? I'm gonna boil to my death, thxverymuch.
Falling asleep,
Michelle ♥
August is like the middle of winter LMAO. It's rain + freezing cold + wind.
Holiday tomorrow! Parent Teacher Day xDDD
I need a break more than ever. It's been so tiring. I'm emotionally drained.
You people know me, I'm like Miss Sensitive of the century.
No don't call me Miss Sensitive, it's painful to the ears.
I don't understand, how could Chong Wei lose so bad?
Pressure + home support must have squashed him.
I was gawking at the 8-0 on the Beijing Olympics website.
Even Michael (my friend from China) was like, I thought Chong Wei could beat Lin Dan.
Guess what? Every M'sian had that hope too TT_____________TT;;
LIYANAAAA I haven't been so excited bout badminton in so long.
Today marks the start of chosing subjects. o__________O;;
And I got orals and history essay to finish. Plus math and a science projects.
I wannaaaa sleep kthxbye.
Haha! =D
everyone here's talking about school and, I don't like school.
Olympics! Are you people actually watching it? Pray hard.
Yeah. Pray for Lee Chong Wei to win all his matches so that he can
bring back a gold medal for all of us in Malaysia. As the Star wrote,
'we're left with one wei.'
Hope also for archery- Cheng Chu Sian (I hope I spelt it rightly), swimming??
(Daniel Bego's last event, I think), diving! (Bryan and gang),
cycling (Josiah, Azizul, Rizal!!) Haven't heard about sailing... (Dr. Kevin!)
While thousands of athletes from around the world were and are still
fighting for medals in their respective sports, me and a lot of other people
too were battling exams. I couldn't really get to enjoy the 'Choong Hann
betaing Taufik' thing all because of exams.
Exams are over for us.
Just ended yesterday and I think I totally sucked in a lot of my papers.
Got back my Maths results already and tomorrow I'm going to get my
Physics paper. That's all. I'm in the mood to be BCLLH-Iing. 1830.
P.S. Don't forget- Pray! Lee Chong Wei needs it!
My birthday, was, well...okay. Sweet 16, konon. It's just alright, ya know?
This whole week has been emotional trauma. Period.
I tend to focus on the little dot staining the big picture. Sigh.
- Remind me why I stressed so much over choosing streams last year? Now I'm choosing subjects, shoot me kthxbye >_<;;
- MATHS. MATHS is killing me. I studied all this before, and it's still killing me. Never procrastinate OMGOSH.
- KFC is not good for your health. Yes, I know Christine.
- I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY BIRTHDAY ALBUM CARD. SARAH, YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE ME FEEL LOVED. ALL THE PEOPLE MENTIONED ON MY FACEBOOK, I FEEL SO LOVED AND YOU SHOULD TOO. LOVE ALL WAYS ALL THE TIME. Omgosh it came at the right time (one day later, it's still right), but I just felt...loved. *kills vocab* Thanks so much guys! THANK YOU THANK YOU.
- Shoutbox is still dead because Michelle is lazy. Maybe soon?
- Nokia N95 or LG Viewty? New phone hoo boy.
- JU-LIAN I OWE YOU 43281024801 kills. Oh yeah. Thanks for blogging though. I refrain from killing you bcoz you love me as much as I love you for writing an account bout it. Haha.
I'm sleepy, I swear I'll kill the Math Investigation of the Shortest Path.
It's so crap shit, I have no idea how to do it. Bleh.
<3 Michelle my title.welll michelle...the new look of the blog shows something..u r becoming GIRLY.
haha.don kill me after reading this. ..but im sure everyone will agree with me.rite?lol
oh yea tmr is MTV..oh wait..its 12.04 is MAA..ur nicest friends JY n KK are in genting now ady.They had dinner at the opposite table of suju.much of jealousy around us..haha...
tmr its me n soh pui lei turn.we wanna see suju..really bad..somehow i feel weird seeing them in real live.watching them on screen all these while feels really nice..(maybe its becuz theres no screaming from other fans) ah..suju.. i don like seeing them with so many around..n in a pack n crazy situation..yesterday's airport was ok..luckily there were not many many fans...i thnik there could be 200 idea. we chased them to the bus for the first round when leeteuk,eunhyuk,yesung,heechul,n sungmin arrived.crazy experience.the VIPs took the lift..fasn took the escalator..we look like ants running haha. eventhough it was all crazy n stuff,but i m really glad that i saw those guys.
another round..sjm ppl.Siwon(haha!)kyuhyun,ryeowook n donghae.ahh this gorup..very difficult to chase after them... the bodyguards got smatter ..they blocked the escalator..damm them...the fans took the lift.we didnt know which floor..n were all so frustated..everyone was sweating..n saying omg..a china fan even told me they r so handsome rite??!i just replied yea yea..haha.
so we went to the wrong floor,n only saw them through the window..i was very very very dissapointed.siwon is the one i wanted to see so much..but i only caught a few glimps of him.kyuhyun looked really tall too,he was smiling all the way.
ryeowook n donghae!!these 2 guys!i only say them for a second.i look straight into their face n i forgot why..i lost their faces..maybe i was concentrating too much on siwon ady.very very very very dissapointed...sighs. at the same time i know i shld be thankful n appreciate..cuz i got to see 9 of sj members..yea i shld.i know some ppl who doesnt even hv the chance..oh well i guess i gotta see more of them at genting..
kangin n shindong is suppose 2 arrive the following day.i didnt go to the paresnts didnt allow anymore..they were angry angry angry..i know..for my own good. hmm another 2 more guys i didnt get to see..korea no1 handomse guy man n shindong the fatty bom bom! tmr i will haunt for u guys!
ohyea kibum n hankyung didnt come to malaysia..their schedules are full...
hmm i guess i gotta stop. i wanna pack up a lil more.n get ready to sleep.get ready for suju.get ready for love.good night peeps.
oh yea some fans r crazy..they touched sj....yeww ..give them so respect la..simply touch touching isit?haiz..i saw sungmin expression..he was shock..n he looked like his really dissapointed n scared in the lift..pitty that boy.he looked like a secondary school boy btw.
well i think tats all..really..i will update...when im back.or maybe after the test..i got the vids of airport..lazy to upload..really big files..n u will get headache from watching it.cuz my myself did too.i was running..wat u expect??haha.tats all nite.
God bless u,me,all of us. and suju.
Goh Ju-Lian