I'll reply like real soon.
But YES I'm still alive =DDDDDD
Come online for often onholiday ppl!
Here's some pics xD
Sayanthri - First friend I made in school
Angela - The awesome human being who is so cool.
Lydia - Wahhhh this girl is crazayyyy that's why she's <3
Michael - Friend and 180 cm tall dude xDDDD He teaches me Math in Chinese and I understand! xD
Randeep & Niv - More crazy ppl in my class
Shirley - Whee she's so cute. Don't be deceived by the fact she doesn't smile.
Yezi - Friend who was actually COMPETING in the carnival xDDD He ran a LOT, really. And his name means leaf in Chinese, which is Ye Zi.
Victor - Friend...crazy about planes and talks about them a LOT^^;;
Vincent - The guy who speaks Canto but can't speak Chinese...according to him ><

I'll be back again soon!<3
Holidays for you guys xDDD
Hello!!! Quite a while since I last wen in here. Haha. Just wanting to be badminton-ish a bit...
MALAYSIA LOST IN THE THOMAS CUP SEMIS 2-3 to China!!! But, now, I'm supporting Korea against China. No, not quite. I only support, Lee Hyun-Il. Yeah. I support Chun Lai and Hai Feng. Hehe. Just wan to see Lin Dan's face when China loses. I'll remember that forever.
Right now, I'm very happy with my life. Quite, I guess. Except that,
I'm so scared... I'm so scared of my exam results. I didn't think I was that serious. Who could?
Thomas Cup was on! Never mind, 2010 Thomas Cup in Malaysia. I'll definitely go. Next year, Malaysia Open in KL again. I'll go there too.
Okay, enough of badminton. Anyway, I can't wait for the holidays! I've got so many things planned....and I'll get to put my feet in Japan even if it's for only a few hours. But, still...
Fine, I'm talking nonsense. Bye bye! Hope everyone's happy!