See!I blog again..Michelle,i know how proud u feel for me!tee hee hee.
ok la..the reason i blog is...i wanna argue with the one and only piggy...
man,.u lil girl is still so evil... while we r having our march tests on the 3rd to 5th..u told us u r going for some trip.. bloody.... ZUT! another cursing word in french!
but the gd news is, while we r on holiday,the march one..u r still in school studying or doing ur wtv public speaking class!..n i..totally agree with sarah!..oh yea!.. michelle takes public speaking class...pretty unbelievable..
next i wanna show offf my french skills.haha
here i go.
je m'apelle Jui Lianne( my french name,teacher got me one ;)
so mich,if u know how to reply after me..pls do so..hehe..ask ur french friends,if u hv any!
i know i pod ;)
enough of perasaness from me alr..
march test is....sooo next week..ah?! michelle,so would take the march test for us just to show how much u love us?hehe,i know u will :)
thanks for the updates dear...but i knew all those alr...
so yea,anything like..the latest from u?..i want the latest, hot sizzling news from u only.. of cuz not consider as an extra language,its till BM..bahaha
ok la,tats all alr..stil got hw to do..accounts,add maths la,karangan la,french la!(yay!)..
sorry that i talk rubbish so much michelle, but its just in the MCJAPS blood..
Lol rmb how I say "You take 10 1/2 years lar!"
Lol I still say it, I still sound Malaysian, I'm still piggy and I still rock!<3 style="font-weight: bold;">JING YEE JU-LIAN SARAH OWNSSSS!
I've talked to
Liyana too and sorta to
Christine. So where's
Soh Pui Lei? T.T
Now update on me: (wow xD)A lot of my friends are new students.I have friends from all over the place. No, not that many!No, I don't have a boyfriend you poor souls.But I still only have a fewww besties! You all know who you are.Someday when you all visit me (you better be coming in these few years!), I'll introduce you to Lydia^^I'm going to MELBOURNE ZOOOO and MELBOURNE CITY for Geo and Digital Imaging (yes, digital imaging) respectivelyJING YEE I MISS YOU TOO! I miss all of you x3035725823 much!<33 Gila fish omo so cute! =D I heard the accident was made up by crazy fangirls o.o I'm okay, it's SUMMER and I'm FREEZING! And hot food here is gooood! Hahaha~
SARAH's writing a TITLE! How cool is that! Everyone, learn! *pokes* Especially lazy ones? xD
GOH JU-LIAN ownssss! Omgosh exams! March Test! *rminds everyone* Pls pls pls STUDY!
GOH JU-LIAN! SOH PUI LEI! POO JING YEE! CHRISTINE YEE SENG LEE! These few ppl need to be rmded lol!
ALL THE BEST EVERYONE!!!Just rmb that in the middle of all YOUR tests, I'm going on a trip to Melbourne City hahaha for Geography.
HOLIDAY= Talk to me! My hols start on March 20th T.T
Omgosh resultssss! o.o *glomps*
FRENCH CLASS! My gosh how cool is that! I only know how to say Can you speak English in French xD And German! *show-off*
My sister is taking ITALIAN...and you're taking FRENCH. You can...communicate? O__O;;
French IS a beautiful languageee~ If I were there I'll deffo take the class!
Don't give up, child *smacks* You can do it! Then you'll be I dunno how many lingual xD
Everyone says it's good to learn one Asian language and one European language EXTRA!
English doesn't count xD And your national language doesn't count either!
You already have chinese...Do it! Do it YOU COW!
Does INDONESIAN count? Coz I'm doing that xD
And I'm speaking Chinese almost all the time coz my friend's from China!
And she's improving her English and I'll improve my Chinese hahaha~
Pn. Cheong??? o.o Jia you! Pick up rubbish, how fun! Hahah.
4KB...ahhh it's funny to hear you all say that. Jasmyn and Vennie and Chris's sister was in 4KB~
It's like upholding a generation or wtv xDDD
That's 3 years in a row someone in 4KB has a PBSM post! =DDD
Omgosh I can see how oral and lisan could suck!
I'm taking a flippin' PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASS!
Ahhh someone saveeeee me but Sarah thinks it's cool o.o *dies*
I have oodles of Science to do T.T
Tata!<33 [irock]
hello peeps of the world..
woo,its been a very very long time since i last blog.. i m really sorry abt that,my fault..i forgot my password,so couldn't sign in.anyways thanks michelle! for spending ur time to send me a new invatation..
ok..let me see..what to say..
err i don know..but march test is coming soon..3rd of march to 5th of march..wish us luck!..then after march test, we hv a week of holiday! celebrations!.
then school reopens, n we will be getting our results..woah..form4 results..all the A1.A2..aah!
i went for my very 1st french class in my whole entire life..i gotta say..its a boom!..i didn't realize that it was that hard..ok maybe not very difficult, but a little starting to FALL IN LOVE with french..yea,u heard that from me! haha!..thank god its just the language rite?
the teacher,or professeur(in french)..its good,i guess,hes fast anyway..
french seems to be a very beautiful language..that dude said that too, n i agree with him..
the only prob is,i do not hv friends..if alia quits,im im basically persuading ppl to join with me..tehehe..
ah...peeps of the world, tel me ur opinions if i shld continue..thank u! i think i can love french a lot,n master it..but only god knows... on another hand, i might give up very easily too..sighs..
ppl,ur opinion..i need them!..thanks, love ya ppl!
well, i dont think theres nothing much alr..
oo 4kb got new teacher..our moral teacher is..drum rolls...the one and only pn cheong!..woo i tell u shes scary..i can say that shes a gd teacher,but scary man.u can be seriosuly..extremly during her class..she likes asking the students to pick up rubbish too..tahaha..
ooo n..we r having our orals n lisan(s) this coming week..its for SPM! u see how important is it?..gosh gosh gosh, me scared..cuz i havent really start preparing yet..
ahh..i think tats all for now..still got another eng article to do..
well mich,i wish u all the best in ur school..u got test or exam ah??haha!suffer with us!meany me!...
michie,still rmb us rite?i know u do..!we do too..we gossip abt u like every single day.. ;p..haha
well,god bless u darling!..we will too..take care k!..i want to see u in one healthy piece when i see u!..
gtg ppl,ciao!
all the love from new french language lover
haha~ juz realise tat already quite some time since i posted somethg....
sry a lazie
so ya~ MICHELLE! how are you?! miss u so much!
aishh~ oo~ i got somethg 2 tell u...
do u know tat mikcy n jae got into an accident 2days ago...
T___T luckily its wasn't some major accident~hehe
those crazy fans really nid 2 be punished!
dunno chase their car for wat.!! abit 'gila'~
BTW~ kkot mi nam shi, i haven record the song yet..><
haha~ k lah....will be back next time! and will post more
often...if got time^^ sry ya everyone!
How's life my dears?
Fuji's probably floating around in NY xD
Anyway, this is based on
My gosh that's a lame title =.=
Anyway, as you can tell I've been reading it over and over again.
The poor thing is all worn out and TORN. Hahah kidding ! *runs*
I want to comment, and you said I can blog it...soo...
1. I cried all over the scrapbook the first time I read it. Hahah you know this already^^
3. My niece and nephew saw the scrapbook...pls don't curse them, pls! xD
4. I loveeeee our one and only collection of MCJ pics!
5. I can't possibly cut up the scrapbook to get bookmarks and pics! o.o That's MURDER!
Anyway...what I REALLY wanted to say (to
SARAHH) since this is their rules, but some of 'em might apply to
FUJI and
FISHIE too!:
1. I remember you all...yes, even in the toilet, as recommended.
2. What beautiful looks and hot attitude? And my gosh, you all did anything for me??? o.o *runs away*
3. Saya masih boleh menggunakan Bahasa Melayu =D
4. Wa eh kong Hokkien! Wo ke yi chiang hua yu << gosh my hanyu pinyin sucks! o.o
5. I have no slang. As confirmed by Sergeant Sarah!
7. Yes, I do miss you all *sighs* And you all say you're fair. MISS MEE!
8. I broke the rule of having a great time here. I do have friends though, but like I know, you guys OWN.
9. Be smarter and more hardworking? Do you mean masuk Tg. Rambutan??? xDDD
10. No free air tickets here unless i strike the lottery or something. Big meal? For all of you??? Uh...
11. Scrap book is in a MICHELLE condition. And that's all I'll say.
Yesyes, I love you guys always.
Can you tell Ju made the rules? xD
<333 [youguysrocktoobutirock!]
Labels: appa, chongwei, dongsaeng, fish, halmoni, unni
The cake is like a-w-e-s-o-m-e man!!!
Humongous...or perhaps the cup is small...
Yeah, you're like the only one posting...
I do notice however...Pui Lei has accepted the invite...
Such progress, man....
Dude, you rock like abt 12345677899 times....muahahaha!!
Looks like it's just you and me baby,LOL!!
Oh, when you saw the vid did you hear the song...
It's so OMGosh!HHHHHHHot!!!!
You should check out the practise...
I mean like, dude!!
Jae and Chang Min and Micky and Yun Ho but not Jun Su were...
Yeah, I'm becoming like mad-er...
Cause we rock this way!!
Gosh, I miss you like asdfghjkl
Dude, if you need to talk...don't hesistate to call someone to ask whether I can come nline..
I'll try,....
Add oil, sis!!
God Bless you
Happy Chinese New Year, hun!!<333333333333333333333333333333333
Ppl love Muaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
KkotMiNam a.k.a. The One Who Pwns!
This is Day 4 for you-know-what^^
Soo Day 4 consists of a post at this blog!
Other ppl tell me how you celebrated her bdayyyy~
Anyway, back to Sarah!
Nahh you thought I wouldn't post here? I would!^^ Kapish?
Saeng il chukka hamnida,
Saeng il chukka hamnida,
Happy belated birthday to Sarah,
Saeng il chukka hamnida!^^
And what d'ya mean by you thought I forgot??? How could I forget???^^
You are special rmb! You're my BFF and that says it all.
Here's a slice of cake, i ate the rest of it *runs around* xDD

<33 [sarahrocks] Michelle
School's started. I've got homework xDDD
Things here are pretty interesting, and I like the subjects I picked (electives) =D
There are quite a number of new yeah, I do have some friends...^^
BUT! I miss you all so much.
I know there must be a lot of things to do at school.
And that you guys barely have time.
And that this isn't compulsory or anything.
I wonder if sooner or later this is gonna die anyway?
Look, just lemme know you're alive sometimes.
I'm not and I CAN'T go there and hit your heads or wtv. Of course...I'll rmb...hahahah.
Thank you FUJI-chan for letting me know stuff^^
And for WHITEY-chan and LEI and KYU-CHAN whom I talked to on MSN.
But it feels like ages ago T.T
All the best in school! And brrr here is cold alright T.T
<3333 lots, coz [irock]