School's starting on the 30th bwahahaha xDI got some interview thingie on Tuesday though...but I'll live xDI'M ALREADY INNNNN! Dunno to be excited anot...but it's a good thing I guess.On my grandma, she's back in M'sia, and the doctors are more optimistic then they were in HK. I dunno what to think what to say, still hoping as I always am =DThank you Liyana, Christine, Pui Lei, Juju and Sarah, you've been lots of support<333!
SARAH I HAVE MY INTERNET! And MY WEBCAM! BUT! I have a picnic to attend with the same person I told you about T.T Bogoshipoyoooooo~
2nd of all, where is EVERYBODY?
With exception of Liyanayana o.o *runs away* and Sarah~
And maybe CHRISTINE...whatd'ya mean by you're not posting anymore? Hah? *pokes* >>.<<;; Oh and Juju. And I do see Fuji and Jing Yee online. But SOH PUI LEI, where are you???
Anyway, moving on to Liyana's post, SINCE SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO POSTED xD
My dear girl you must have been flying around!
I tell you we better make it our aim to watch a badminton match together. Yes? Yes?
Even if everything here is tennis. Oh yeah yeah!^^
Sounds a bit staker-ish bout Chong Wei, but that's okay xD
And no, I didn't know. You can be my badminton updater and encyclopedia.
Arigatou! xD And where's our class??
Ahhh the Minister of Education...hmmm...
Doesn't anyone come here anymore? T.T
Haha...want me to tell everything ah? It'll turn people here crazy.
But, I'm soooooooo happy that I went because 1) Chong Wei won and 2) I MET HIM AND GOT HIS AUTOGRAPH!!!
I was so like....don't know brain stopped working at that moment. He's soooo real!
He's so soft-spoken and really nice to everyone. Yeah. He was buying t-shirts when I met him and he was drinking milo . Then, he went to buy some drinks and a watch too. (No, I did not follow him around. He was pretty hard to find.)
But, anyway, I'm happy. Really happy. I hope everyone's happy too.
Oh, and Tine played beautifully while Zhu Lin lost her shape. Ah, did you know that Zhu Lin's boyfriend is Ng Wei? And that Tan Fook is marrying Zhang Jiewen after the Olympics?
Ok, ok. Enough of badminton stuff.
Muahahaha. I think I'm turning out to be a very emotional person this year. I really feel like scolding someone or just crying sometimes. Haha to me. School has been so far....not so nice. Puan Ngau acting scary but funny. Koko so troublesome...traffic jam everyday after school.
Oh, and we got our class already. It really doesn't look like it's stable...and we have to take off our shoes when we enter which is a nuisance.
Today the Minister of Education came to Sri Aman and the school was pretty busy the past few days trying to be clean. They also repaired the hall. Many other small changes too were made.
So, that's it for now. Uh, bye? -nickname?
This place is like forever air-con man!^^ And this is SUMMER o.oI got interview on Wednesday! Ahmagash with the v.principal of the school~*smiles nervously* And I love money! Who doesn't man?And thanks Ju and Sarah for praying for my grandma! And Lei for the convo. It's already too late for chemo *doesn't know what to say* I can't type out how I feel here...faham faham jer lar.JING YEE BUN~~~ o.o Nooo it's okay. I'm glad you all even WANTED to come. And we'll still hang out when I come back yeah?<3 I miss you T.T And about Briged, if you weren't there I'll quit. Hmmm...teacher, I know what you mean...have you decided? Tell me! I don't know if
Liyana even wants a nickname o.o
Good girl! Do homeworkkkk aja aja hwaiting!<33333
SARAH dear, there are young children who might misunderstand what you mean! o.o Micky do not touch yourself TT.TT It's okay to use ciplak English here! Help me NOT to develop an accent xDDD And yes sis, thanks so much! I miss you so so so so freaking much as well<333> Bogoshipoyo, saranghae!
LIYANA!!! CHONG WEI WON! WOOHOO! Thank goodness for BWF Super Series website! Did you go? Tell me everything!<33
Ju-Lian, as you can see, Sarah posted. You did not break any record. Haha love you!
Your hello is so...touching. Who knew you could mean so much with the world hello? o.o
You crap a lot lar! I like! I read and laugh and laugh and laugh. At you. No lar<333 think =D
Good lar you all have to behave yourself when the education minister is around =D
And just enjoy cny!<33 And Ling Ling's bday! o.o Malay celebration?
Ahh good you recovered! I want angpauuuu!<333 Haha. <33333333!
CHRISTINE Christine, where's your butt? Shadow also don't see T.T Comeeeeeee!
*waves at
Lei! Thank you for NOT posting, coz you saved it as draft! o.o xDDDD
Okay lar I posted it for you, write lar summo! T.T
<3333 [irock]
Labels: blabbings, chongwei, dongsaeng, fish, fuji, halmoni, noona, unni
it looks like no one has been posting i would love to break the record again.
hi everyone..i know its just a simple hello but wait it means a lot.
my hello includes love, good health, prosperity,and many many more.
sorry it is kinda weird, i know I am talking abt hello suddenly.
ok, I shall start off in a normal way.
Hello! How everyone's doing? Some of u maybe not good, some of u maybe okay, some of u maybe very good. But still love love love to everybody.
It's been pretty busy for everyone lately. School homework and blah blah blah, then kokurikulum..sighs...all the stress.. I finally have the right and enough time to blog. yay!everybody!
I'm trying to brighten up the blog, and I hope it works..behehe.
normally, I just blog for now too..
but i ahve some things to share with u mich,incase u didnt know...
Hishamuddin is coming to Sri Aman... Sorry if i spelled his name wrongly, too bad la..
hes coming over this week, god knows when what time.. our claster school is super duper happy with this and so do the "cluster" students..hehe ^.^ Im fine with it..but since his coming, we can waste a little time in our time..haha! i love wasting school hours.. *simles evilly*
oh yea, the Chinese New Year holiday....i have bad news.. the school holz starts on wedn,i think? which is a day before chinese year and...ends on monday of the following week?..the gov holz plans for like TERRIBLE.. so unfair.. we do not get a whole week off now, but yea yea, we shall be grateful... I just hope that when the malay celebration comes, they get the whole week..I'd be boiling then..
well er thats for those who r caring..n still remember or actually notice that I was ill, i recovered! I fell sick again after I recover form the previous illness, n I fell sick again..but now! Im 100% recovered..I think.. the school food?maybe? made my stomach pull n twist...
I know I'm being perasan again,so sorry abt it..just cant help it. hehe..
thats all for now.
Chinese New Year Coming!
God Bless You All
The famous chicken is BAAAAACCCKKKK!!!!
I know everyone loves MUAHHH!!!
yes......tell me..tell me....
For those who not a Wondergirls convert...
I mean like DUDE.....NEVER!!!!!!!!!1
Haha!!!It just that I watched...again Hee Chul and his famous Tell me dance moves....
This girl, has also watched......Dong Bang dance to Tell Me aaaaannnnnddd Purple Line...
And I must say.....I HAVE TO!!!!
They are HAWT!!!
And their dance moves....OMGosh!!!!
All I can say is dies......
Yeah, I'm back!!!!!
Not the whole piece after my ermmmmm...episode with death and all...
Gosh, i make it sound so severe....but wtv...
Cause you guys rock my world....and cause I love you all so much....I sending you guys........
I rock my own butt.....
I know among all I may be the least active now...
You have to excuse knowlar....
Sendiri faham-fahamlar!!!!
Anyways, you all know I love you right????
Even if you don't deserve it...Muahahaahh!!!
Nah, just kidding.....
I love you ppllllllllllllllllllll
Bye peeps...
The wondergullovelycunted Kkot Mi Nam
Purple Line is sooooooooooo LOVE although Micky was absolutely vulgar.....
Anyways, you ppl are so love...
I have so limited time and I'm already past my time...
Ahhh..I wanna die....
Ah Girl... You only rock once...muahaha!!!
Nolar.....Ah Girl very cunted wanlar...
What happen to my English...
Jing Yee arrr.....
Idk what to say abt Briged lar
Whatever u feel like the best you just do lar....
Okay...I'll support u all the way thru...
I miss you so much like 127342950101-41- times a day...
And it stinks like crap.....
I love you lots and it's hard..
I'll be praying for you dear...
be strong....
Christine ar...You ar......At least you opostlar.....
If not...waste time inly invite you...
No lar...just joking!!!!
Liyanachongwei is here!!!!!Muahah!!!!
You guys so rock man...
You badminton freeak////
You rock just the way you are!!!!
I love everybody...
And I DON"T wanna touch myself...
Micky does....
Lotsa love,
Kkot mi nam...
"Lol I love and miss you too. Not perverted."<
n hey michelle! love the penguin pics! wakakaa
n all the pics tat u guys took at the airport ^_^
but it makes me more sad n guilty coz i cant go on tat day~
aish~ cant send u off~ T_______________T
bogohshippoyo!! hahaaaa
oh ya~ want 2 ask u .....
u think rite, shld i quit Briged bestari~
coz now i like wan 2 quit but dunno how 2 tell teacher~XP
n everytime i pass by teacher, i juz cabut lari! wakakaa
im so confuse now!!!! how how how??~
LOL~ ya~ lets create a nickname for liyana!
^^ cool~
>im currently addicted 2 Purple Line and Rainbow<
have you listen 2 Dongbang's latest single? Purple Line??
its dam nice! wakakaaa
niways....gotta run ed....hav 2 do my hw now^^
^U-Know Dafish^ <3 *_*
Ahh you guys don't know how happy you make me when you post!<33333333333333333
Guess what? Year 10-12 erm...Form 4-6...apparently I won't have time for life xD
I'm in school till 3.30 (12.30/1.30 your time, depending on the season)~
Koko is two days a week until 5.30 (gosh doesn't this sound familiar??? just shorter?)
By the time I come back, bathe, wtv...6.30. Dinner finish 7.30.
I have assignments and hw, MINIMUM hours taken is 2 hrs~
And ppl here sleep at 9.30-10. Even 8-9. Hahaha what is life???
My cousin said I'll have no time to come online. But I'll find a way.
And lemme teach you, when there's a will...there's a way. Wow. Teehee!
Impress your teachers! xD
LIYANALEECHONGWEILIYANALIYANA! Dude I need to find a nickname for you. You do know I love nicknames right? xD
What's your name in Chinese dear?^^ I'd like to know xD And I will write soon!
Things are kinda messed up now but yeah. Jay Chou? Not that I like him xD Learn S.H.E and Fahrenheit!<3
Lol are you mean or what? But I guess its a good thing for M'sia!
Ahh appreciate it lots. Was about to go to BWF website, and boom my Liyana update is here!<3
Ahh I'm glad you wrote. I missed you >< But yeah, yay for coming here!
*hearts my camwhore lots*
No I still don't love you as much as
Lei does. Who still hasn't written anything! ><
I love PENGUIN! Does he have a name? o.o Or she? Omo so cute. With the card.
Ahhh I love the pics!
And you got a camwhore t-shirt! Suits you! Omo take pics wearing it! Then you can be a model too! Haha ilu.
And everyone's pics too! *pokes* Except Jing Yee and Liyana, but that's fine.
I see my handwriting! Hayayaya I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the pics<3
I LOVEEEEEEEE YOUR HAIR! Hahaha I do. Hair is good. *pokes Chris also*
And erm, I like that you camwhore! Hahaha!
PENGUIN IS SO CUTE! If I didn't like you so much, I'd take penguin.
He can teman my piggyyyy~ Kasturi Marrybrown alsooooooooooooo!<3
And I love looking at all of you. Very interesting. Pimples, blah blah.
Haha yes I guess I love you. Now. Pls don't get perv!
Pls don't live in denial lar. You're not that cool. You're just cool for now xD
Hahaha <3333333
Yesyes you are smart, pls get En. Hulam to ask you more!
Lol I'm such a blessing.
Yee Yee and you are 2 years old!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDD
What colourful lar? Colourblind yes lar? You look like you just prak it there xD
I owe
Christine and you so many whacks I can't count xD
Hahaha I wonder who's the teacher. Apa lar lu, so mean one?
But school=fun=friends xDDDDDDD
Colours are like love? xD
Hahaha ciplak knowledge lar youuuu.
Lol I love and miss you too. Not perverted. Don't think.
Thank you.
<3333! Michelle coz [irock]
Labels: appa, blabbings, chongwei, dongsaeng
Hey, Michelle! and everyone else here. I'm here. Finally found some free time. Oh, and yesterday my Mandarin teacher so apologised to me because she couldn't find Jay Chou's cd for her to teach me the songs. Yeah. Updates! Malaysia Open...firstly, news- (maybe you've read in the internet but anyway...I want to tell you this) Xie Xingfang fell in the bathroom hotel and she's injured so she withdrew....Haha!
LCW beat Hafiz. WMC beat Julia. Roslin lost to Sairul. All the Japanese doubles got blown away already... Who else, ah?
Never mind.
I maybe going for the finals...maybe only. Oh, and I heard that some of the players are staying at a hotel quite near my house. If I don't get to go to the finals, then maybe....
Anyway, take care!
Labels: blabbings, noona

He..He..He! Do you know who is this..? YEAH! Its Golden Knight...PUI LEI!!!!!!!!
(Not Lei Lei) Anyways, Mrs Lin can be accepted as well..!!! This is my first post...AND of course I won't make it look boring...!

love my hair? i rmb u always say u love my hair,,i love it too..see i camwhore with the camwhore t-shirt..just for u!it was right after i bath, after i talk to to u..on the badminton day.
the penguin pics..hehe..penguin!me me!n shes reading the bday card!look at the t-shirt too,it says camwhore!penguin kisses the elephant on the bday card too!ahhh,how cute!
rmb mary brown?kasturi lunch!?u ate ur nasi ayam mary brown?or is it the nasi lemak? kasturi seminar....
mcd..our last meeting place..the rest of the pics..r how we look like after u left...
i hv ur pics with those shades too!soo cool!i want one too!
u complain abt pics, not u've got all..happy now?
love me?i know u do,thanks!me too,hun!
Ar..hello..michelle u r so nice, i tell u.putting my name as ur title makes me feel honour,proud and loved.sooo thank u so much man!NOT! why u so kind ah?...hv to make me popular in that way. excuse muar,im cool..u know that,jsut don deny it lady.
this time i got pics to put!a lot of pics!if thats possible..michelle!i cant wait for u to see it!
oh yea, encik hulam did ask me questions during his scary man, he walked to my table, stood infron n look at my name tag..then asked me answer question..guess wat!i didnt read the part where he asked..but i had some useful general i used that to answer his smart I m?i know u love me mich!
i like things to be colourful..what would hv happen to this world if everything is black n white?u know the results too. its not 2 yrs old,n don go tee hee heeing. well u just gotta accept that fact that me n yee yee's life are colourful.we hv clours in our life,all sorts of colours.
I will do what u asked me to, like not putting red colour for look like ER!sorry abt that, but it is an ER...although u cant do anything,neither can I..
School life is starting to swallow up me.. other than friends, i wouldnt really look forward to come to school...i mean studying is fine for me,but friends are not as boring as ACCOUNTS??ops,sorry teacher..i just feel llke sleeping during ur lesson.
colours r like love..theres dull colours n bright colours..dark love n bright love,hv u ever heard of that?no? see i m girl with so much knowledge. if u r so interested in what im talking abt,pls stay tune la..i very lazy to type alr
.. well pics coming up for everybody..(to some ppl,sorrry!) Well,i love u michelle! n miss you too!! love love...rmb that my love is actualyl all round you!..eww?haha!
Labels: blabbings, dongsaeng, noona
TURKEYI love myself and everyone loves me!<333
Especially you, you better! I know you and Lei hv something going on, but still!
And is anyone ever gonna post pics? Come on, camwhore!<3
I hope En.Hulam asks you bwahahahah. And if he doesn't there's always a next time!
Pls lar, you and
Christine now joining the association for colourful posts ah? ><
Very 2 yrs old lar!
I know I'm your daughter (not ex) but still, my name should be given some coolness too.
Look, I insulted your name in the title!
BUT! I put your name there in big letters. Love me hate me xDDD
Apa ni? Voluptuous? ALL OF YOU SPELL WRONG LAR!
And both
Christine and you, stop getting attracted to butts!
Get attracted to your own! HAHAHAH. Ew.
You chao ta person, why lar we teach the short (oops did I say that?) panda this things?
I know how informative you are, but still!!!
Christine has been...pandaly??? o.o This I gotta see!
Someone video it for me xD
Hahaha thank you for kacau-ing her for me!<333 *pats head*
Pls tell me if she gets more hair...or tell HER to tell me!
Hahaha does she know you call her Yee Yee?
I've been keeping this secret for you! Hahaha. My dear
panda, do you mind this yee yee thing? xDD
She IS cute. Adorable sounds o.o and girly sounds o_________________________O
But if she takes it as a compliment, than yeah!
And me? Show appreciation in...that way? No lar! Pls.
I'm not as ham sap as you k. With
Lei. Hahah.
Aiyoyo this
Pui Lei ah. What is she man? do you know her armpit stinks??? Ewwww.
Hahaha what a lovely cow. Lol tell her I miss her too.
And tell her I don't love her as much as you do! xDDD
Girly dude. When you mention a girl is missing, don't highlight it in red lar! o.o
Sounds like emergency or what???
Everyone pls curse Goh Ju-Lian. That she might get sick. More. Hahaha.
Ya lar ya lar, get well!
And my dear, I know school hours are shortened and I know
CHRISTINE is ajk t.4!
I'm proud. Do it well dear! I know it might be o.o xD
And congrats on your sijil!^^ Ahh I wish I was there T.T
Ya it's long~~~ And never forever.
And pls don't love yourself...ewww.
Byeeeeeee! [irock]
Labels: appa, dongsaeng, halmoni
Thats my title for the day.sooo cool rite?hehe ok..i m making this short,i do not hv much time,gotta read sejarah...encik hulam might ask questions in class!! I want to thank SARAH CHIN YI LYNN and michelle cheah li ping for inviting me to ur wonderful blog(see!mich!ur name is smaller than sarah's.hehehe) tapi missy,jangan merajuk..cuz uknowi love u too..but since sarah is my ah ma,i hv to show some respect.behehe. VOLUPTOUS. This work has been in my mind for these few days.some know why..but if u don,its ok..let me repeat the history, last time,in form3, after school,i told michelle u hv a .... butt!haha!n christine didnt forget that!she rocks! unfortunately, mich is too shy to share her wonderful experience here, therefor she stones. are u sure lil kids read this?who r they?got proof ah madam? Christine has been a cute panda lately. Seeing her being "pandaly" in school is weird but fun.shes just cute. n mich, i granted ur wish, i kacau christine for u!n she finds it annoying..well duh...(btw,i prefer calling chris..yee makes her sound adorable,girly,n cute! This evil monster actually blog,finally man! Michelle show ur appreciation k?in those ..kinda..way..behehe. Pui Lei..I have been telling her to come online..n blog!..but she didnt even check her mails! See,that cow la..her armpit stinks!hahaha!i don think she will read this anyway.maybe in 1000 mins from now. Lei still laughs like a cow,smells like a cow, n act like a cow congratulate her... btw,she called me on the phone once too,n called me michelle..she loves you n misses u so much la,send her some of ur real love. Updates in malaysia...again... 1)some girl is missing!sha..something.shes only 5,malay,very small n kesian.. anotehr girl goes missing again..but hopefully,shes found alive! 2) Miss Goh Ju-Lian from malaysia is bcuz..i also dunno y.i hv flu,cough,slight fever!wah, the princess is sick..bahaha..eveyone PLEASE pray for her to get well.THANKS. 3)school hours r shorten now,school ends at 2 on mon-thurs and 1.20 on fri.but all the koko time are still the same,sadly...4)
Chinese New Year!!OMG!! its coming,its finally here...but it means that we're a yr older again. mich,rmb the CNY card i gave u?there r some reminders go read it up again. 5) Christine is AJK TINGKATAN 4 for PBSM..mich!be proud of her.i didn't believe her in the 1st place also..but wow..tahniah diucapkan kepada saudari. oh n this monster, got the full attendance sijil today on 14/1/08.She shook hands with Datin Lee!Woo Hoo! Christine has made us all very very proud. We love you lady!bahaha! Err, I think thats all for this second,this minute,this hour,this day but nvr forever. I will blog again..soon enough! I LUV MYSELF..I THINK..
my blog looks long anyway...
Labels: dongsaeng, halmoni, noona, unni
Juju pods, bcoz she knows how to title her post!
Haha my dear
Christine, don't worry I'm not complaining~
At least you wrote! Haha.
Srsly. You rock, for once in my life~ But I rock too! Wahha *pokes*
PENGUINWow, everyone's cute and beautiful. Who knew???
Sarah had a hand in inviting you too...but you can thank me. Thank you ^______________^
Why are you sick, my dear?
Christine and
Lei, I want original stories! But thank you,
And Sarah and
Chooi Yi too! Wait...
Sarah told me already xD
I heart you bcoz you can goooooooo! Duh! Thank God~
And thank you to your mum too! Ahh *happyyyyy*
2nd home...aww...Ju, don't make me cry T.T xD
Wow Ju, you're awesome coz you update me on everything o.o
Even someone who died o.o
Aiyo don't torture the dog lar, it loves youuu!
Hahaha according to Ju we're hot! xD Pls Ju, don't get attracted to us~
And there you have some pink and wtv colours, coz lookie,
Christine's colourful!
Wait...Christine's colourful??? Hahaha.
PANDA*jumps around* YOU WROTE!<33333333
C.Y.S.Lee hahhaa I still rmb your signature! *stalker alert* yay!
Erm. My dear. There's nothing voluptuous (which I remind you, you spelt it wrong!) about a dirty unwashed shitty butt. Ew. Dude where's your taste!
And stop getting attracted to my butt! We had enough of this discussion.
And shhhh ppl are reading, do not crap like you like! Bwahahaha.
And yes yes,
Ju and you are evil...
And you're the evil-lest. Hahaha. Why do I like this two evil ppl???
Wait...imma bold this.
CHRISTINE DOES NOT ROCK, I ROCK, SHE STONES.Bcoz that's how it always was. Hahaha.
Thank you for wasting your precious time! I know you are very uh...'busy' and erm, have not much time on the Net (unless you're sneaking on) but yeah...
TY! Yes you should be proud! *i'mproud*
Ya lar very colorful 2 years old oni >< Teehee!
Jia you for your essay, dear!<333333
And for ppl who want to know, I refuse to walk anymore. I walk half an hour to the mall, half an hour back, almost worse than Malay Mail Big Walk xDDDD
Oh ya, tell me how that goes!
If you all are forced to go.
LIYANA, post! And everyone tell
PUI LEI to bring her butt here. Thanks!
<33 going to sleep at 8 something, [irock] Michelle<3
Labels: appa, chongwei, dongsaeng, halmoni
Plz la ....i'm still da most evil among v all ^,..,^ plus about da butt...voluptouos... hehe another pervert here^^hahaz dis word is Mich & juju teach 1 ^__^ still rmbwill never 4got? Haiz? oh ya ... after all... i'm da oni 1 hu rock & da others r stones =^.^=Ok ... i'm not da laz 1 hu hvn't write anythg yet... shuld i be proud? 0.oMichelle C. L. P. ... i wrote more than 1 sentence XDdis thing reli wasted alot of my precious time T.Tizit colorful? after all... it's still da most colourful among all b4 disOMG...i still hvn't finish my essay yet... so... mich... u shuld be happy dat i write somthgLabels: blabbings, noona
Harlow to all the beautiful and cute ppl!
first of all,i want to thank the original authors..or is it mich only for inviting me!so airgato gozaimas.
er as im writing sick!..some of u might go WOO HOO!Ju-lian is sick!..But wtv,i don care pun..
ok err,i don really know wat to say..but there r few things that i wanna mention here.
number answer mich's ques..How did we go there?KLIA..
very easy,lei n chris ask their parents,they r allowed, chooi yi and sarah i don know.Their requests are automatically approved i think!haha!me ah,i asked the nite b4 u(mich)left..n my request was not i tried in the morning on the day u left.then waa laa! i can go!like..luckily man,thank god!!i wouldn't want my last meeting with u be in school only..ok,so now u got ur most wanted answer. not in the no answering group with lei n chris! see at least im posting this for u!don u just love me?muahaha.err abt ur butt,mich,its too much details..when u say butt,i can go quite....ok full stop.
i love this blog,its soo sweet,feels like my 2nd everyone shld start blogging now,especially lei n chris. this is my very 1st time blogging, so pls!everyone congratulate me!thank you thank you!
updates on m'sia..
it hv been raining these few days...almost every day..aint nice to hv PJ at the school field with those mud..
i read the paper today..some indian chief in johor passed away...does it affect you?
another thing,rmb the dog in front of my house?..that stupid black dog?its limping now..kesiannya, but i don evil,sorry!
well,i think thats all for now.
everyone stay cute n beautiful..n also HOT!..hehe
Labels: dongsaeng, halmoni, noona
SARAH dear you're Malaysian all the way~ xD
Don't worry, as you know I do wash my butt. Hahahah.
Like i'll tell you even if I don't xDDDDDDDD
I will. But it'll be gross. Haha.
I MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY TOO<333 Of coz, we're two halfs living in diff countries.
Yeah! And even if I just talked to you yesterday. ILU~
PUI LEI! You bring yourself here. Now. Use your brain, you monkey!
Everyone has arrived except you! YOU! Yes, YOU! ^____________________^
Pls come here before I hit your head, thank you.
CHRISTINE! Hahaha I thought of typing your full name but nvm. Too long. should be happy!^^
My dear lazy girl, you were the first one to accept besides Sarah and me...but didn't write anything =.=
I wonder who's lazy??? Hmmm...oh wait, I called you lazy already.
Write a sentence? Won't kill you. I think. Whee!
BEAN BUN. I love crapping xDDD Saranghamnida back to you!
Yeah...kkotminam, have you updated since I last read it?
Must bath! It can get quite hot. Dun worry I wash my butt and use soap.
Sshh dun tell anyone xD
JUJU! And please write something! Sometime! Good girl~ *pats head*
Perverted also I don't care...pls remember there might be young ones here haha.
You and Chris and Lei joined the association of not writing anything ah? =.=
FUJI! I MISHED YOU TOO! It stinks not to be able to sit next to you ><
How's 4SA? Nonono. I rock. All the others have I...something. Find something^^
Yes, yes essay! I want!^^ And Dull is the new creative. Haha. I missed you!
Lemme email
LIYANA before I forget. Sorry! Pls come here and write, and amaze us...well, me anyway with your wonderful-ness. Haha I miss talking the most...erm...observational topics with you~
And now that I covered the whole world, pls POST!
Ahh the world is so smart *pats*
<3 [irock]
Labels: appa, chongwei, dongsaeng, fish, fuji, halmoni, unni
MICHIE I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! <333And yay, I'm an author... iRock. ;DUm... just wanted to say that I finished the English informal letter essay, will be posting it up soon. Finished it just now~ Hehe. One down, 34713127312937 to go!P.S. I rock, my post has COLOR. *runs*Labels: noona
LOL~ 1st of all~ i dunno wat 2 post here....
wakakakaa~ so wateva lah....i'll juz simply crap up
some stuff XP~
wee~ thx 4 inviting me as an author for tis blog!!! ^^
komawo! *pak pak* saranghamni~~da <3
lolx..~ kkotminam! hav u update the stories yet?!
wakakaaa~i wanna read!! T_____T
mic! cant wash ur butt? WTH~
n bathing w/o soap?! then better dun bath~ LOL
its so weird.......
Labels: noona, unni
I think I really love Malaysia now...
In a lot of ways I didn't realize until now..
Yes...all you people who have been invited..
Cause you guys have complained...hehehe!!!
Michelle has invited you guys to be authors....
Haha!!!So please accept it faster cause we all know that the shoutbox is not exactly big....
Anyhoo....would you guys prefer it if....I uploaded the four stories online??
You know the one with Eun Hae, Cheon Hee, Hee Jin and Hae Yeon....
Cause if you guys don't want to then I won't.....hehe....
we all rock...
So yeah!!!
I don't have much to say......but wtv....
See you guys around and ILU people!!!!!!!!
Actually Kkot Mi Nam may not necessarily mean me.....hehehe!!! It could mean other people*winks*hehehe!!
KKot Mi Nam rocks!!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: blabbings, fish, noona
Hello mateys! Hahaha okay I'm cracking myself up laughing thinking that I will say that.
No I haven't started the mateys thing yet hahhaa.
Still very Malaysian, I think. pretty boy (a.k.a kkot mi nam)...erm pretty BOY???
Pretty, erm ya I can get it. Boy? Not so.
Christine where are you??? ^______________^;;
The human mentioned above said she'll come here. But she didn't.
Oops I forgot she got abducted by aliens =D
She said so herself!
Okay so everyone wants to blog?
That's a good idea^^ Pls accept your invitations in your EMAIL.
The ones that I've sent out anyway ><
Okayokay, I'm getting OT (offtopic)~
Pls if you don't understand, learn from me! Duh.
1. You have to wear seatbelts. Back or front, doesn't matter.
2. When doctors in Australia buy food, they get it 50% off. Beef, chicken, whatever.
3. Washing your butt after you shit is...abnormal? They use tissue. Can't get used to this. Butt itchy. Whee you didn't read that
4. No soap when you bath~~~ It's clean enough, apparently. Can't get used to this either xDDD
And some of you not paying attention humans, tell me...
Ahh I gtg. Take care dears!
Hope to talk to you all<333
Toodles, noodles and [irock]
Labels: blabbings, dongsaeng, fuji, unni
I'm sick of trying to pretend everything's okay.
But I guess when I think of it, I'm not really pretending.
It's okay. OKAY. That's about it. Yeah, okay.
And LEECHONGWEI where are you??????????????????????
And dongsaeng dear, do you really expect me to boom arrive here and make friends? xD
I might rock, but not that much =DDDDDDDDDDD
School doesn't start for awhile.
And there's a lot of packing to do, it's driving me mad.
I heart you for coming online yesterday!
And penguin and cow too! ^_____________________^
*was extremely happy* i miss crapping xD
I don't think I can stop blabbing bout KLIA.
I have one question!
Coz you people are either insane or majorly LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE~
Hmm...which one is it? Both? xD
I've got the BEST friends in the whole wide world.
I wonder if I met so many awesome amazing ppl there's gonna be anymore left in Aussie? o.o
But srsly. You are are like fantabulously mad. I like!
And now all of you are at school. And I ate my lunch two hours ago xD
Getting used to the time zone. It's pretty hot outside.
Dude don't I have somethg else to say besides the weather???
BFF. I miss you too, you know it.
I miss everything you miss. And no matter what, we're awesome together.
And guess what? I still owe you money! Yay for normal-ness xDDDD
<33333 [irock]
Labels: chongwei, dongsaeng, unni
16 reasons why I miss my BFF so much............
1.No matter how much I look at the gate at BFF won't walk through it.
2.No matter how late the BFFwon't go Yo, dude!!
3.No matter how much recess food I one's gonna share it with me.
4.No matter how much money I one's gonna borrow it and forget to return it back.
5.No matter how strong I may one's gonna ask me to open their mineral bottles.
6.No matter how good I am at one's gonna whack Heenim ass with me.
7.No matter how many times the phone's not gonna be for me anymore.
8.No matter how much I love the SuJu one's gonna spazz with me abt them even though they haven't done a thing.
9.No matter how crazy I one's gonna pretend to dance to Wonderboys and be crazy with me.
10.No matter how good a writer I may become, writing crappy stuff...I have one less reader.
11.No matter how cunted I one's gonna brag with meabt how great we are.
12.No matter how much I like going over...I haven't got a home to go to.
13.No matter how little stuff I one's gonna watch an MV and spazz even if she doesn't like it.
14.No matter how much I one's there for me to steal from.
15.No matter how terrible life may be or how God has blessed one's there for me to tell it to.
16.And no matter how many times I dial 78777923/ one's gonna answer it.
I love my BFF to bits and it only took less than 5 minutes to come up with this list.
It shows how much of my BFF I missed....TT.TT
To everyone else reading the blog....I wanna let you guys know that I'm really thankful to have friends ike you to support me
You guys are the best.....
Muahahaa!!! BFF and'll always be a part of me.....cause we rock that way...
Of course in ever other way too....
To appa, halimoni, dongsaeng, dafish, fuji and AINILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!
* see I mention your name..Nyahaha!! Happy???*
Thanks you guys.....of course not forgetting omma....but she doesn't read this so wtv...
I love you guys lots...
And dude...when you get your internet all set up do send me a PM or an e-mail.
Lotsa love.....
Kkot Mi Nam who doesn't feel very Kkot Mi Nam-ish...
* Right now I really, really wish Chang Min would hug me.....TT.TT*
Anyways, to end on a higher note...
What is x if f:x---->2x+3
Muahaha!!! I love myself!!!
Chang Minnie!!!!!!!!!! Where are you!!!
<3Kkot Mi Nam.......chickenatorrrrrrrrrrr^_______________________________^
Labels: appa, dongsaeng, fish, fuji, halmoni
I'm writing this at the airport, after you all gone back I think~
Got internet!!!
I've to make this short...but thank you ever ever so much.
I don't think any amount of thank yous will be enough.
I'm really really blessed to have met all of you.
I love crazy people! xDDDDDDDD
Bittersweet. That's life I guess.
But you guys definitely make up the sweet moments.
And I believe in each and every one of our friendships~ ^_________________^
<3 Dwaeji (hahaha!)
Labels: appa, dongsaeng, fuji, halmoni, unni
I admit!! I believe it's just plain laziness that I don't write loooooooooong post anymore!!
But....aren't you bored of reading my ramblings that are nothing more than...rambles??
And, mianhaeyo to all the people out there whom I don't know your usernames...
We call that....ignorance
Haha!! I know that da Fish will most likely not visit here anymore so she might not see the Yun Ho pic I so painstakingly PS-ed and uploaded for her. took me abt 5 mins to do it....but still!!!!! starting....
Even saying that word leaves a sorta unpleasant taste in my....erm....mouth.
And, and....the extra hours of my life spent in school are not very comfortable prospects....
Oh, yes!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna announce to the world....very proudly indeed that I have a web cam!!!
At last!!
So yesh, all those poor, poor people who chat with me can now see face!!
Wow!! I know.....such interesting opportunities....
I guess this is quite long, right??
And I don't wanna risk boring the nice people reading this..
You know especially those who have a short concentration span or something.....
Or perhaps the halimoni or something...
You people make me smile like this:
Love you people out there
And the Kkot Mi Nam is going to F.L.Y.!!!
Bye people!!!
Can I hug Chang Min.....I wouldn't mind Jae though!!!
Looting is sooooooooo FUNNNNNN!!!^_____________^
Labels: blabbings, fish